Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  2. G. A. Miller, Psy chol ogy: Th e Science of Mental Life (Harmonds worth, U.K.: Penguin,
    1962), 313.

  3. G. A. Miller, Psy chol ogy, 315.

  4. L. M. Terman, “Feeble Minded Children in the Public Schools of California,” School and
    Society 5 (June 1917): 161–165, 163. For a stark illustration of the kind of eugenics program
    that followed, see T. C. Leonard, Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics and American Eco-
    nomics in the Progressive Era (Prince ton, N.J.: Prince ton University Press, 2016).

  5. D. MacKenzie, “Karl Pearson and the Professional Middle Class,” Annals of Science
    36 (1979): 125–145, 137.

  6. C. Spearman, Human Abilities (London: Macmillan, 1927).

  7. R. E. Nisbett, J. Aronson, C. Blair, W. Dickens, J. Flynn, et al., “Intelligence: New
    Findings and Th eoretical Developments,” American Psychologist 67 (February– March
    2012): 130–159, 131.

  8. R. L. Th orndike and E. P. Hagen, Mea sure ment and Evaluation in Psy chol ogy and
    Education (New York: Wiley, 1969), 325.

  9. R. E. Nisbett et al., “Intelligence,” 131.

  10. R. D. Hoge and T. Colodarci, “Teacher- Based Judgments of Academic Achievement:
    A Review of Lit er a ture,” Review of Educational Research 59 (Fall 1989): 297–313.

  11. For a fuller account and all references on this topic, see K. Richardson and S. Nor-
    gate, “Does IQ Really Predict Job Per for mance?” Applied Developmental Science 19
    (January 2015): 153–169.

  12. K. R. Murphy, “Th e Logic of Validity Generalization,” in Validity Generalization: A
    Critical Review, ed. K. R. Murphy (Hove, U.K.: Erlbaum, 2003), 16.

  13. L. Gottfredson, “Th e Evaluation of Alternative Mea sures of Job Per for mance,” in
    Per for mance Assessment for the Workplace, Volume II: Technical Issues, ed. Commis-
    sion on Behavioral Social Sciences and Education (New York: National Acad emy
    Press, 1991), 75–125, 75.

  14. R. M. Guion, Assessment, Mea sure ment, and Prediction for Personnel Decisions
    (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2011).

  15. J. A. Hartigan and A. K. Wigdor (eds.), Fairness in Employment Testing: Validity
    Generalization, Minority Issues and the General Aptitude Test Battery (Washington,
    D.C.: National Academic Press, 1989), 150.

  16. E. Byington and W. Felps, “Why Do IQ Scores Predict Job Per for mance? An Alterna-
    tive, So cio log i cal Explanation,” Research in Or gan i za tional Be hav ior 30 (January
    2010): 175–202.

  17. I. C. Mc Manus, K. Woolf, J. Dacre, E. Paice, E. and C. Dewberry, “Th e Academic
    Backbone: Longitudinal Continuities in Educational Achievement from Secondary
    School and Medical School to MRCP(UK) and the Specialist Register in UK Medi-
    cal Students and Doctors,” BMC Medicine 11(November 2013): 242.

  18. A. R. Jensen, “Individual Diff erences in Mental Ability,” in Historical Foundations
    of Educational Psy chol ogy, ed. J. A. Glover and R. R. Ronning (New York: Plenum Press,
    1987), 61–88, 82.

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