Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  1. D. K. Detterman, “What Does Reaction Time Tell Us About Intelligence?” in Speed
    of Information- Processing and Intelligence, ed. P. A. Vernon (Westport, Conn.:
    Ablex, 1987), 177–200.

  2. L. S. Gottfredson, “Why g Matters: Th e Complexit y of Ever yday Life,” Intelligence 24
    (1997): 79–132, 79. For references and full discussion, see K. Richardson and S. H. Nor-
    gate, “Does IQ Mea sure Ability for Complex Cognition?” Th eory and Psy chol ogy 24
    (December 2015): 795–812.

  3. L. S. Gottfredson, “Why g Matters: Th e Complexity of Everyday Life,” Intelligence 24
    (1997): 79–132, 94.

  4. U. Goswami, “Analogical Reasoning in Children,” in Children’s Learning in Class-
    room and Laboratory Contexts, ed. J. Campione et al. (New York: Routledge, 2007),

  5. P. A. Carpenter, M. A. Just, and P. Shell, “What One Intelligence Test Mea sures: A
    Th eoretical Account of the Pro cessing in the Raven Progressive Matrices Test,” Psy-
    chological Review 97 (January 1990): 404–431.

  6. R. E. Nisbett et al., “Intelligence,”131.

  7. M. W. Eysenck, Psy chol ogy: An International Perspective (Hove, U.K.: Psy chol ogy
    Press, 2004), 371.

  8. For references and full discussion, see K. Richardson and S. H. Norgate, “Does IQ
    Mea sure Ability for Complex Cognition?”

  9. C. M. Walker and A. Gopnik, “Toddlers Infer Higher- Order Relational Princi ples
    in Causal Learning,” Psychological Science 25 (January 2014): 161–169.

  10. S. J. Ceci and J. K. Liker, “A Day at the Races: A Study of IQ, Expertise, and Cognitive
    Complexity,” Journal of Experimental Psy chol ogy: General 115 (July 1986): 255–266.

  11. S. Scribner, “Knowledge at Work,” in Mind & Social Practice: Selected Writings of
    Sylvia Scribner, ed. E. Tobach et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997),

  12. J. R. Flynn, “IQ Gains Over Time: Towards Finding the Causes,” in Th e Rising Curve,
    ed. U. Neisser (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1998), 25–66.
    See also J. R. Flynn, Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty- First Century
    (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 61.

  13. R. E. Nisbett, Th e Geography of Th ought: Why We Th ink the Way We Do (New York:
    Free Press, 2003), 203.

  14. A. M. Abdel- Khalek and J. Raven, “Normative Data from the Standardization of
    Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices in Kuwait in an International Context,”
    Social Behaviour and Personality: An International Journal 34 (February 2006):
    169–180, 171.

  15. M. Desert Préaux and R. Jund, “So Young and Already Victims of Ste reo type Th reat:
    Socio- economic Status and Per for mance of 6 to 9  Years Old Children on Raven’s
    Progressive Matrices,” Eu ro pean Journal of Psy chol ogy of Education 24 (June 2009):

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