Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  2. For example, I. J. Deary, “Intelligence, Health and Death,” Psychologist 18 (October
    2005): 610–613.

  3. For all references and further discussion about this topic, see K. Richardson and
    S. H. Norgate, “Does IQ Mea sure Ability for Complex Cognition?”

  4. See K. Richardson and S. H. Norgate, “Does IQ Mea sure Ability for Complex

  5. I. Prigogine and G. Nicolis, Exploring Complexity: An Introduction (New York: W. H.
    Freeman, 1998).

  6. S. Kauff man, At Home in the Universe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991). See
    also W. J. Zhang, Selforganizology: Th e Science of Self- Organ ization (Hackensack,
    N.J.: World Scientifi c, 2016).

  7. See K. Baverstock and M. Rönkkö, “Epige ne tic Regulation of the Mammalian
    Cell,” PLoS One 3 (June 2008): e2290. See also K. Baverstock and M. Rönkkö, “Th e
    Evolutionary Origin of Form and Function,” Journal of Physiology 592 (May 2014):

  8. N. Lane, “Why Are Cells Powered by Proton Gradients?” Nature Education 3 (June
    2010): 18.

  9. In  S. Mazur, “Replace the Modern Synthesis (Neo- Darwinism): An Interview with
    Denis Noble,” Huffi ngton Post (July 9, 2014), http://www.huffi

  10. P. Lyon, “Th e Cognitive Cell: Bacterial Be hav ior Reconsidered,” Frontiers in Microbi-
    ology 6 (April 2015): article 264, p. 265.

  11. I. Tagkopoulos, Y- C Liu, and S. Tavazoie, “Predictive Be hav ior Within Microbial
    Ge ne tic Networks,” Science 320 (June 2008): 1313–1317.

  12. H. V. Westerhoff , A. N. Brooks, E. Simionides, R. García- Contreras, F. He, et  al.,
    “Macromolecular Networks and Intelligence in Micro- organisms,” Frontiers in
    Microbiology 5 (July 2014): 379.

  13. F. J. Bruggerman, W. C. van Heeswijk, F. C. Boogerd, H. V. Westerhoff , et al., “Mac-
    romolecular Intelligence in Micro- organisms,” Biological Chemistry 381 (September–
    October 2000): 965–972, 965.

  14. For full references, see K. Richardson, “Th e Evolution of Intelligent Developmental
    Systems,” in Embodiment and Epigenesis: Th eoretical and Methodological Issues in
    Understanding the Role of Biology Within the Relational Developmental System, ed. R.
    M. Lerner and J. B. Benson (London: Academic Press, 2014), 127–160; P. Ball, P. (2008).
    “Cellular Memory Hints at the Origins of Intelligence,” Nature 451 (2008): 385.

  15. N. Carey, Th e Epigenet ics Revolution (London: Icon Books, 2011), 42.

  16. C. Adrain and M. Freeman, “Regulation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Ligand Pro-
    cessing,” Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 6 (January 2014): a008995.

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