Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


  2. I. V. Razinkov, B. L. Baumgartner, M. R. Bennett, L. S. Tsimring, and J. Hasty, “Mea-
    sur ing Competitive Fitness in Dynamic Environments,” Journal of Physical Chemis-
    try 17 (October 2015): 13175–13181, dx. doi. org / 10. 1021 / jp403162v. See also A. Rossi, Z.
    Kontarakis, C. Gerri, H. Nolte, S. Hölper, et al., “Ge ne tic Compensation Induced by
    Deleterious Mutations but Not Gene Knockdowns,” Nature 524 (August 2015):

  3. A. Wagner and J. Wright, “Alternative Routes and Mutational Robustness in Complex
    Regulatory Networks,” BioSystems 88 (March 2007): 163–172, 163.

  4. H. F. Nijhout, J. A. Best, and M. C. Reed, “Using Mathematical Models to Understand
    Metabolism, Genes, and Disease,” BMC Biology 13 (September 2015): 79.

  5. P. M. Visscher, D. Smith, S. J. G. Hall, and J. L. Williams, “A Viable Herd of Ge ne tically
    Uniform Cattle,” Nature 409 (January 2001): 303.


  7. Quoted in P. Griffi ths and J. Tabery, “Developmental Systems Th eory: What Does It
    Explain, and How Does It Explain It?” Advances in Child Development and Be hav ior
    44 (May 2013): 65–95, 171; S. Dominus, “Th e Mixed- Up Brothers of Bogotá,” New York
    Times (July 9, 2015).

  8. D. H. Ford and R. M. Lerner, Developmental Systems Th eory: An Integrative Approach
    (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1992); G. Greenberg and T. Partridge, “Biology, Evolution,
    and Development,” in Cognition, Biology, and Methods, vol. 1 of Handbook of Life-
    Span Development, ed. W. F. Overton (Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2010), 115–148.

  9. L. Wolpert, “Positional Information Revisited,” Development Supplement 1989 (1989):
    3–12, 10.

  10. Th ere are numerous excellent books and papers on these pro cesses. See, for example,
    J. Jaeger and A. Martinez- Arias, “Getting the Mea sure of Positional Information,”
    PLoS Biology 7 (March 2009): e1000081, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000081.

  11. Y. Komiya and R. Habas, “Wnt Signal Transduction Pathways,” Organogenesis 4
    (April– June 2008): 68–75, 68.

  12. A. H. Lang, H. Li, J. J. Collins, and P. Mehta, “Epige ne tic Landscapes Explain Partially
    Reprogrammed Cells and Identify Key Reprogramming Genes,” PLoS Computational
    Biology 10 (August 2014): e1003734.

  13. E. J. Kollar and C. Fisher, “Tooth Induction in Chick Epithelium: Expression of
    Quiescent Genes for Enamel Synthesis,” Science 207 (February 1980): 993–995, 993.

  14. C. H. Waddington, The Strategy of the Genes (London: Allen and Unwin, 1957);
    P. Gr i ffi ths and J. Tabery, “Developmental Systems Th eory.”

  15. See chapter 4. See also, for example, A. Manu, S. Surkova, A. V. Spirov, V. V. Gursky,
    H. Janssens, et al., “Canalization of Gene Expression and Domain Shift s in the Drosophila
    Blastoderm by Dynamical Attractors,” PLoS Computational Biology 5 (March 2009):
    e1000303, doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000303.

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