Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  4. E. Goldberg, Th e New Executive Brain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 4.

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    Lawrence Erlbaum, 1985), 1–28, 6.

  7. R. H. Masland, “Th e Neuronal Or ga ni za tion of the Ret ina,” Neuron 76 (October 18,
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  11. D. Mackay, “Vision: Th e Capture of Optical Covariation,” in Visual Neuroscience, ed.
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    Press, 1986), 365–373, 370.

  12. N.- L. Xu, M. T. Harnett, S. R. Williams, D. Huber, D. H. O’Connor, et al., “Nonlinear
    Dendritic Integration of Sensory and Motor Input During an Active Sensing
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    Log- Normal Brain: How Skewed Distributions Aff ect Network Operations,” Nature
    Reviews Neuroscience 15 (April 2014): 264–278.

  13. T. S. Lee, T. Stepleton, B. Potetz, and J. Samonds, “Neural Encoding of Scene Statistics
    for Surface and Object Inference,” in Object Categorization: Computer and Human
    Vision Perspective, ed. S. Dickinson et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
    2007), 451–474.

  14. See A. Hyvärinen and J. Hurri, Natu ral Image Statistics: A Probabilistic Approach to
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  15. S. Onat, D. Jancke, and P. König, “Cortical Long- Range Interactions Embed Statisti-
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