Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  2. D. C. Park and C.- M. Huang, “Culture Wires the Brain: A Cognitive Neuroscience
    Perspective,” Perspectives on Psychological Science 5 (August 2010): 391–400.

  3. T. Ingold, “Th e Social Child,” in Human Development in the Twenty- First Century:
    Visionary Ideas from Systems Scientists, ed. A. Fogel et  al. (Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press, 2007), 112–118, 117.

  4. As reported by Tom Heyden, “When 100 People Lift a Bus,” BBC News Magazine,
    June 4, 2015.

  5. C. Geertz, Th e Interpretation of Culture (New York: Basic Books, 1973), 68.

  6. D. Kahneman, Th inking, Fast and Slow (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2011).

  7. L. Malafouris, How Th ings Shape the Mind: A Th eory of Material Engagement (Ca m-
    bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2015).

  8. L. Gottfredson, “Unmasking the Egalitarian Fiction,” Duke Talent Identifi cation
    Program (Durham, N.C.: Duke University, 2006), 10, Tip. duke. edu.

  9. J. Freeman, “Gift edness in the Long Term,” Journal for the Education of the Gift ed 29
    (June 2006): 384–403.

  10. M. Howe, Th e Psy chol ogy of High Abilities (London: Macmillan, 1999), 5.

  11. J. Freeman, “Gift edness in the Long Term,” 392.

  12. S. Bergia, “Einstein and the Birth of Special Relativity,” in Einstein: A Centenary
    Volume, ed. A. P. French (London: Heinemann, 1979); A. E. Einstein, Ideas and
    Opinions, ed. and comp. C. Seelig (New York: Crown Publications, 1982).

  13. G. Claxton and S. Meadows, “Brightening Up: How Children Learn to Be Gift ed,” in
    Routledge Companion to Gift ed Education, ed. T. Balchin, B. Hymer, and D. Matthews
    (London: Routledge, 2008), 3–7, 3.

  14. G. M. Howe, S.R. Beach, G.H. Brody, and P.A. Wyman, “Translating Ge ne tic Research
    into Preventive Intervention: Th e Baseline Target Moderated Mediator Design,”
    Frontiers in Psy chol ogy (January 2016): doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01911.

  15. I. Pappa, V. R. Mileva- Seitz, M. J. Bakermans- Kranenburg, H. Tiemeier, and M. H.
    van Ijzendoorn, “Th e Magnifi cent Seven: A Quantitative Review of Dopamine Re-
    ceptor d4 and Its Association with Child Be hav ior,” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral
    Reviews 57 (October 2015): 175–186, 175.

  16. P. Wilby, “Psychologist on a Mission to Give Every Child a Learning Chip,” Guard-
    ian (February  18, 2014), https://www. theguardian. com / education / 2014 / feb / 18
    / psychologist - robert - plomin - says - genes - crucial - education.

  17. For critical discussion, see H. Rose and S. Rose, Genes, Cells and Brains: Th e Pro-
    methean Promises of the New Biology (London: Verso, 2012).

  18. S. Hsu, “Super- Intelligent Humans Are Coming: Ge ne tic Engineering Will One Day
    Create the Smartest Humans Who Have Ever Lived,” Nautilus, no. 18 (October  16,

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