Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  2. See also B. M. Caldwell and R. H. Bradley, Home Observation for Mea sure ment of the
    Environment: Administration Manual (Tempe, Ariz.: Family & Human Dynamics
    Research Institute, Arizona State University, 2003), fh dri. clas. asu. edu / home.

  3. R. Plomin and D. Daniels, “Why Are Children in the Same Family So Diff er ent from
    Each Other?” Be hav ior and Brain Sciences 10 (March 1987): 1–16.

  4. E. Turkheimer and M. Waldron, “Nonshared Environment: A Th eoretical, Methodologi-
    cal, and Quantitative Review,” Psychological Bulletin 126 (January 2000): 78–108, 78.

  5. L. C. Mayes and M. Lewis, Th e Cambridge Handbook of Environment in Human
    Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 1.

  6. A. W. Heim, Th e Appraisal of Intelligence (London: Methen, 1954), 154.

  7. For example, D. R. Topor, S. P. Keane, T. L. Shelton, and S. D. Calkins, “Parent In-
    volvement and Student Academic Per for mance: A Multiple Mediational Analy sis,”
    Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community 38 (July 2010): 183–197.

  8. C. Koede and T. Techapaisarnjaroenkit, “Th e Relative Per for mance of Head Start,”
    Eastern Economic Journal 38 (February 2012): 251–275, 251.

  9. L. F. Cofer, “Dynamic Views of Education,” in Human Development in the Twenty-
    First Century, ed. A. Fogel et  al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008),
    128–135, 133.

  10. See Every Student Succeeds Act, 2010, U.S. Department of Education, Washington,
    D.C., www. ed. gov / esea; and U.S. Department of Education, “Equity of Opportunity,”
    2016, Washington, D.C., www. ed. gov / equity.

  11. U.S. Department of Education, “Th e Th reat of Educational Stagnation and Compla-
    cency: Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan at the release of the
    2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA),” December  13, 2013,
    Washington, D.C., www. ed. gov / news / speeches / threat - educational - stagnation - and

  • complacency.

  1. Michael Gove’s Speech to the Policy Exchange on Free Schools, June 20, 2011, https://
    www. gov. uk / government / speeches / michael - goves - speech - to - the - policy - exchange

  • on - free - schools.

  1. “Th e Tories and Scotland,” Herald (Glasgow), April 25, 2009.

  2. B. Lott, “Th e Social Psy chol ogy of Class and Classism,” American Psychologist 67
    (November 2012): 650–658, 650.

  3. American Psychological Association, Report of the APA Task Force on Socioeconomic
    Status, Washington, D.C., 2006, 7, http:// www. apa. org / pi / ses / resources / publications
    / task - force - 2006. pdf; F. Autin and F. Butera, “Editorial: Institutional Determinants
    of Social Inequalities,” Frontiers in Psy chol ogy 6 (January 2016): http:// dx. doi. org / 10
    . 3389 / fpsyg. 2015. 02027.

  4. A. Reuben, Gap Between Rich and Poor ‘Keeps Growing,’ ” BBC News, May 21, 2015,
    www. bbc. com / news / business - 32824770.

  5. E. N. Wolff and M. Gittleman, “Inheritances and the Distribution of Wealth: Or,
    What ever Happened to the Great Inheritance Boom?” Bureau of Labor Statistics,
    Working Paper 445, January 2011, doi: 10.1007/s10888-013-9261-8.

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