Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

  1. P. H. Schonemann and M. Heene, “Predictive Validities,” 195.

  2. E. Kolbert, “Big Score,” New Yorker, March 3, 2014.

  3. A. Ripley, Th e Smartest Kids in the World and How Th ey Got Th at Way (New York:
    Simon and Schuster, 2013), 192.

  4. S. Engel, Th e End of the Rainbow: How Educating for Happiness (Not Money) Would
    Transform Our Schools (New York: New Press, 2015), 7.

  5. J. S. Armstrong, “Natu ral Learning in Higher Education,” in Encyclopedia of the
    Sciences of Learning (Heidelberg: Springer, 2011), 2426–2433.

  6. I. C. Mc Manus, K. Woolf, J. Dacre, E. Paice, and C. Dewberry, “Th e Academic Back-
    bone: Longitudinal Continuities in Educational Achievement from Secondary School
    and Medical School to MRCP(UK) and the Specialist Register in UK Medical Students
    and Doctors,” BMC Medicine 11 (November 2013): 242, doi:10.1186/1741-7015-11-242.

  7. H. S. Gardner, Th e Unschooled Mind (New York: Basic Books, 2004), 3–4.

  8. J. S. Armstrong, “Natu ral Learning in Higher Education.”

  9. Quoted by D. Koeppel, “ Th ose Low Grades in College May Haunt Your Job Search,”
    New York Times (December 31, 2006): HW1 of the New York ed.

  10. A. Bryant, “In Head- Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal,” New York Times.
    A version of this article appeared in print on June 20, 2013, on page F6 of the New
    Yo r k e d it ion.

  11. Y. Yuan and B. McKelvey, “Situated Learning Th eory: Adding Rate and Complexity
    Eff ects via Kauff man’s NK Model,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Psy chol ogy, and Life Sciences
    8 (January 2004): 65–103, 70.

  12. See, for example, D. C. Berliner and G. V. Glass (eds.), 50 Myths and Lies Th at Th reaten
    Amer i ca’s Public Schools.

  13. A. D. Schleimann and D. W. Carraher, “Th e Evolution of Mathematical Reasoning:
    Everyday Versus Idealized Understandings,” Developmental Review 22 (October 2002):

  14. Innovation Unit, “Redesigning Secondary Schools,” http:// innovationunit. org / real

    • projects.

  15. See Innovation Unit, “Redesigning Secondary Schools.”

  16. See, for example, D. C. Berliner and G. V. Glass (eds.), 50 Myths and Lies Th at Th reaten
    Amer i ca’s Public Schools, 63.

  17. M. I. Norton, “Unequality: Who Gets What and Why It Matters,” Policy Insights from
    the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (October 2014): 151–155, 151.

  18. J. L. Berg, “Th e Role of Personal Purpose and Personal Goals in Symbiotic Visions,”
    Frontiers in Psy chol ogy (April 2015): doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00443; see also S. Denning,
    “Th e Copernican Revolution in Management,” Forbes Magazine (July  11, 2013): http://
    w w w. f o r b e s. c o m / s i t e s / s t e v e d e n n i n g / 2 0 1 3 / 0 7 / 1 1 / t h e - c o p e r n i c i a n - r e v o l u t i o n - i n

    • management / #49c4e8af63a0.

  19. Psychologists Against Austerity, “Th e Psychological Impact of Austerity: A Briefi ng
    Paper” (2015): https:// psychagainstausterity. wordpress. com /? s = the+psychological+impact

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