Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

Abdel-Khalek, Ahmed, 99
ability grouping, 323
action schema, 219–220
adaptability/adaptation: of ants, 242; to
changing environment, 111–115, 131;
of humans, 267
additive genes, 47
Adolphs, Ralph, 201
adopted children, studies of, 60–62
adrenalin, 161
aging, IQ and, 81–82
A-level grades, 330
alleles, 39, 44
Allen, John S., 170
American Psychological Association, 32, 306
amygdala, 189, 220–221, 300
analogical reasoning, 93, 96
Anderson, Mike, 73
animals: cognitive abilities of, 211;
evolution of cognition in, 213–214.
See also social intelligence
ants, 238–242, 271–272
Areni, Alessandra, 317
Armstrong, J. Scott, 326, 333, 334
artifi cial intelligence, 210–211
artifi cial neural networks, 205–207, 221
arts, 268–271

Asbury, Kathryn, 18, 25, 70, 292
associationism, 203–207, 209, 231
assortative mating, 52
assumptions, 43–53; equal environments
assumption, 57–58
attractor landscapes, 146 ; of average family,
310; cognition and, 223, 226, 227–228;
dynamically self-organizing genes
in, 145; formation of, 215; identity
formation and, 229; social cognitive
systems and, 241, 246
attractors: in brain networks, 214–215,
220; general knowledge and, 226–227;
learning as updating of, 223–224;
swarm intelligence and, 241
attractor states, 108–109, 145–146, 153,
auditory systems, 183, 186
Australopithecines, 263
Autin, Frédérique, 312–313
autocatalytic sets, 110
axons, 185, 186

background learning, IQ score as index
of, 104
bacteria: intelligence in, 115–116; signaling
environmental change and, 118, 120


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