Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


Baldwin, James, 152
Ball, Philip, 116
Bandura, Albert, 318
Bao, Shaowen, 183
Barch, Deanna M., 32
Bargmann, Cornelia, 194, 195
Barlow, Horace, 175
Barrett, Robert, 297
Bartlett, Frederick, 225
basal metabolic rate, 164–165
basic model, 44–45
bees, 213
behavior: canalized development and, 149;
developmental plasticity and, 150–151;
feelings created by nervous systems
and, 188–189; spatiotemporal
correlations and, 184–185; variation
in cognitive ability and, 231
behavioral geneticists, 3; infl uence of,
35–36; knowledge regarding genes
and, 36–37
behavioral genetics: assumptions in, 43–53;
data standards for, 62–63; problems
with data used in, 53–62; rise of, 42–43
beliefs, 229
bell curves, 45–46
Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, 107, 108
Bénard, Henri, 107
Bénard cells, 107, 108 , 112
Bennett, Craig, 31–32
Berg, Jodie, 340
Berliner, David, 321, 326, 340
Bernstein, Basil, 25
Berthoumieux, Sara, 124
Bialek, William, 246
bicoid, 143, 144
Binet, Alfred, 76–78
biological pattern formation, developmental
intelligence and, 140–143
biometric traits, 40
bipedalism, 251, 259, 262
birds, in fl ocks, 245–248

Blackmore, Susan, 181
blastula, 138
blood pressure, 165
BMP (bone morphogenic proteins),
144–145, 147
Boaler, Jo, 323, 324
Bock, Laszlo, 334
body temperature regulation, 158–159
bone morphogenic proteins (BMP),
144–145, 147
Bouchard, Th omas, 51, 58–59. See also
Minnesota Study of Twins Reared
Apart (MISTRA)
Boucher, Jill, 14
Bowles, Samuel, 321
Boylan, Jennifer Finney, 331
Bragg, William, 5
brain mapping, 191, 192–194
brain(s): cognition and, 214–216, 220,
300–301; computer modeling and,
182–183; diff erences between male and
female, 31; evolution of, 187–188, 309;
feelings created by, 188–190; formation
of, 147; ideological, 11–12; intelligence
and individual diff erences in, 190–198;
metaphors regarding, 169–170;
operation of, 33, 178–182; plasticity of,
151, 185–187, 277–278; potential and,
26–30, 33, 168–169; of primates, 251;
purpose of, 170–172; spatiotemporal
correlations in, 183–185; visual system
and, 172–179; white matter in, 296
brain scans/scanning, 27, 31–32, 191,
brain size, 11, 190–191, 250–253; human
evolution and, 262, 264, 265–266
brain sparing, 301
Brain Waves modules, 29
breast milk/breastfeeding, 296
breeding, selective, 12–13
British Psychological Society, 29
Brown, Gordon, 307

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