Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


Brown, James B., 126
Bruggerman, Frank, 116
Bruner, Jerome, 228–229, 325
Bryant, Arthur, 59–60
Bshary, Redouan, 249, 252
Bucharest Early Intervention Project, 300
Bullinger, Anke, 255
Burt, Cyril, 35–36, 42–43
Butera, Fabrizio, 312–313
Buzsáki, György, 46, 195
Byington, Eliza, 89

Caenorhabditis elegans, 194, 213
Cameron, David, 307
canalization, 148–150, 151, 154–155, 230
Carandini, Matteo, 31
cardiac functions, physiology of, 162
Carey, Nessa, 9–10, 116, 128
Carpenter, Patricia, 95, 232
Carraher, David, 336
Carruthers, Peter, 232, 234
CATs (Cognitive Abilities Tests), 36
causes and eff ects, models of, 290–291
Ceci, Stephen, 96
cells: building of body structures and,
147–148; developmental intelligence
and, 140–146; development and,
136–137; evolution of social intelligence
and, 236–237; intelligence of, 171;
intelligent responses to environmental
changes in, 116–117; lineage of, 140 ;
multisensory, 184; physiological
functions and, 157–167; process of
development and, 138–139; signaling
environmental change and, 118–125;
structural grammars in, 182–183
chaotic state, 109, 215–216
Charney, Evan, 67, 68, 69
Charvet, Christine, 253
Chase, Ivan, 244–245
child, horticultural view of, 25, 51, 308
Chillingham herd, 133

Chirumbola, Antonio, 317
Christe, Philippe, 65
classical twin method, 43
Claxton, Guy, 25–26, 289, 322–323
Clayton, Nicola, 247–248
Clinton, Bill, 10
Cofer, Lynette Frierich, 305
cognition: brain and, 214–216, 300–301;
cognitive models as unconscious
ideology, 232–234; complex, 91–93,
95–97; culture in human intelligence
and, 275–279; current theories of,
209–212; defi ning, 199–201, 211–212;
describing, 223–229; disengagement,
316–319; as dynamical, 212; emergent
functions in, 220–223; evolution for
cooperation and, 266; evolution of,
213–214, 229–230, 281, 309; grammar of,
216–219; location of, 31; presuppositions
regarding, 202–209; of primates, 251–253;
social, 247–248, 250, 252, 271, 279;
variation in cognitive ability, 230–232
Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs), 36
cognitive intelligence, 199, 219–220, 248
cognitive modules, 202–203
cognitive psychology, 204
cognitive structures, Flynn eff ect and
learned, 98–99
college grades: correlation with high
school grades, 330–331; correlation
with job performance, 334–335
communication: among insects, 239,
240–241; written forms of, 284
competition, among primates, 252
complex cognition: ability for, and
correlation of IQ and job performance,
91–93; in real life, 95–97
complex functions, evolution of, 48
computational view of cognition, 204
computer modeling, 182–183, 240
conditional reasoning, 93–94
Conley, Dalton, 58, 68, 69

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