Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

constructivism, 207–209, 231
context-dependent coding, 180
cooperation, social: among primates,
255–257; biological market-based theory
of, 252–254; coordination in, 274;
emergence of, 235, 238–240; evolution of,
237; human, 259–260; human evolution
and, 262–263, 266–268; human versus
animal, 271–273; language and, 276; in
mammals, 248–251; sociocognitive
dynamics and, 279
coordination function, 48
correlation, 22, 83, 192
cortical development and connectivity, 196
cortical thickness, correlation with IQ,
Couzin, Iain, 243
Craft , Warren, 176
craniometry, 11
creativity, 228–229, 278
Crick, Francis, 106, 142
CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced
short palindromic repeats), 292–293
cultural development, law of, 277
cultural tools, 276–279, 281, 286, 301
culture: cognition in human intelligence
and, 275–279; of humans, 259, 267,
270–271; individuation through,
274–275; IQ in context of, 280–286; as
most important environment for human
intelligence, 310; of primates, 255
curriculum: alternatives to traditional,
337–339; eff ects of, 324–326
Curry, Oliver, 14
cytokines, 159

Daphnia, 150
Darwin, Charles, 2, 37–38, 162–163, 229,
256–257, 268, 325
data: problems with twin-study, 53–62;
standards, 62–63
Davidson, Janet, 9

Davies, Gail, 84
Davies, Martin, 204
Daw, John, 48
Dawkins, Richard, 9, 259
day-night cycle, pattern of, 112–113
Deary, Ian, 8, 18, 101; on brain functions,
190; on brain scanning, 191; on
individual diff erences in physiological
measures, 164; on intelligence and life
outcomes, 84; on IQ correlations
between spouses, 52; on theoretical
model of intelligence diff erences, 73
deleterious gene mutations, 149, 231
del Moral, Raquel, 170
Delzell, Darcie, 7
democracy, 14, 272
Deneubourg, Jean-Louis, 240–241
dental organogenesis, 147
Detrain, Claire, 240–241, 254
Detterman, Douglas, 91
development: brain and cognitive, 300–301;
building of body structures and,
147–148; in changing environments,
136–137; evolution and, 154–155; fate
and, 135–136; intelligent, 230; landscape
depicted as progression, 154 ; physiology
and, 157–167; potential and, 155–157;
process of, 138–139; uniformity and
variation in, 148–153
developmental intelligence, 140–146
developmental plasticity, 150–152, 185–187,
223, 230, 239
de Weerth, Carolina, 318
Dewey, John, 335–336
Dictyostelium, 137
diet: brain growth and, 301; eff ect of, on
potential, 297–298
dietary supplements, 297
diff erential susceptibility, 291–292
disengagement, psychology of, 316–319
disequilibria, in physico-chemical systems,

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