Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

diversifi cation of species, 137
DNA: epigenetic inheritance and, 129;
genetic engineering and, 292–293;
modifi cations to gene products and,
126; origins of life and, 110; signifi cance
of, 9–10
DNA sequencing: identifi cation of
intelligence genes and, 20–21; for
potential, 14–19
dominance hierarchies, 244–245
Drasgow, Fritze, 86
Drosophila, 144
Dunbar, Robin, 252
Duncan, Arne, 307
Duncan-Smith, Iain, 307
Dutch Famine (1944), 297, 298
Dweck, Carol, 323, 324

economics, free market, 251–254
ectoderm, 147
education: alternative, 335–340; correlation
between school performance and job
performance, 332–335; DNA sequencing
for intelligence and, 17–18; drive for
achievement and, 327–329; eff ects of
curriculum, 324–326; functions of,
320–321; introduction of compulsory,
76; neuroscience and, 28–29, 32–33;
pseudo-achievement and, 329–332;
self-fulfi lling labeling and, 321–324
Education Endowment Foundation, 28
“egg quality,” 156–157
Einstein, Albert, 286, 289
elemental associative learning, 213
Elman, David, 225
embodied understanding, 222
embryo, potential in, 155–157
emergent functions, 220–223
Emery, Nathan, 247–248
emigration, 67
emotion, 188–190, 193
emotional values, 189–190

endocrine signaling, 141
endocrine system, 158
Engel, Susan, 332
English-Romanian Adoption Study,
environment: assumptions regarding, 50;
brain development and, 196–197;
concepts of, in potential studies and
interventions, 308; debate over human
potential and, 2–3, 24–26; developmental
intelligence and, 141–142; developmental
plasticity and, 150–152; development
in changing, 136–137; diff erential
susceptibility and, 291–292; epigenetic
inheritance and, 128–129; equal
environments assumption, 57–58;
evolution of intelligent systems and,
308–309; horticulture and, 51;
identifying causes of variation and, 41;
impact of diversifi cation of species on,
137; infl uence on utilization of genes,
130–131; inheritance of, 313; non-shared,
303–304; potential and diff erent view
of, 308–310; promotion of potential and,
295–305; relevance and measurement of,
in twin studies, 58–59; wealth and,
environmental change: adaptation to,
111–115; intelligent responses to, in cells,
116–117; intelligent systems and, 115–117;
signaling, 118–125
epicognitive regulation, 237, 249
epidermal growth factor (EGF), 121
epigenesis, theory of, 149
epigenetic inheritance, 128–129
epigenetic markers, 57
epigenetics, 116–117, 128–129, 148, 149,
229, 313
equal environments assumption, 57–58
Ernst, Marc, 219
Ernst and Young, 334
Escherichia coli, 118

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