Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

eudaimonic well-being, 273
eugenics, 12–13, 79, 80, 294
Eugenics Society, 7
Evans, David, 57
event structure, 219–220
evolution: of brain, 187–188, 309; of
cognition, 213–214, 229–230, 281, 309;
development and, 154–155; of Homo
sapiens, 265–266; human, for
cooperation, 266–268; of humans,
261–265; human uniqueness and,
259–261; of intelligent systems,
308–309; of learning, 336; of social
intelligence, 236–237
evolutionary psychology, 202
evolvability of organisms, 130
“executive system,” 233
exercise, infl uence of environment on
potential and, 25–26
exons, 126
exon shuffl ing, 126
Eysenck, Michael, 95, 200, 210

family environment, 303–304
famine, 297
fate, development and, 135–136
feeble-mindedness, 78–79
feelings, 188–190, 193, 229
Felps, Will, 89
Finlay, Barbara, 253
fi sh: dominance hierarchies among,
244–245; social intelligence in, 242–244
Fisher, Ronald, 40–42, 47, 65
Flinn, Mark, 260
fl ocking, 245–247
Flynn, James, 12, 26, 97–98, 169, 190
Flynn eff ect, 97–104
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance
imaging) scan, 27, 32, 191, 192–193
Fox, Mark, 8
fractal structure, 180, 269–270
Frankenhuis, Willem, 318

Freeman, Joan, 287, 288
Freeman, Walter, 215–216, 223
free market economics, 251–254
French Flag model, 142
Freund, Julia, 198
functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) scan, 27, 32, 191, 192–193
Fuqua, Clay, 237
Furnham, Adrian, 86

g. See general intelligence
Gabora, Liane, 265, 271
Galler, Janina, 297
Galton, Sir Francis, 6–7, 74–75, 82, 163–164
Gardner, Howard, 333–334
gastrula, 138
Gatto, John, 326
Geake, John, 29
Geertz, Cliff ord, 279
gender, brain volume and, 31
gender prejudice, 323–324
gene-environment interaction, 41
gene mutations, 231, 296
gene products, 49–50, 122–123, 125–127, 144
general ability tests, 87
general intelligence, 8–9; Consultative
Commission on Education on, 35;
heritability of, 14; individual
diff erences in physiology and, 164; as
learning ability, 100; origin of concept,
100; Plomin on, 199; Spearman on, 83;
working memory and, 232
gene regulatory networks (GRNs), 23
genes: additive, 47; basic model and, 47–50;
creation and establishment of, 110–111;
debate over human potential and, 2–3;
diff erences in potential and, 156; DNA
sequencing for potential and, 14–19;
eff ect of stress on, 101; epigenetic
inheritance and, 128–129; genome-wide
complex trait analysis and, 66–69;
heritability and, 12–14; identifi cation of

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