Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


intelligence, 19–24; identifying causes
of variation in, 40–42; ideological, 9–11;
ideological brain and, 12; illusions of
purpose of, 105–106; individual
diff erences in brain and, 198; intelligent
systems and, 115–117; interactions
among, 47, 48–50; knowledge
regarding, 36–37; life without, 106–109;
Mendelian genetics, 37–39; origins of,
106–107; real roots of intelligence and,
111–115; role in learning, 293–294;
signaling environmental change and,
124–125; social mobility and, 14;
variation in development and, 148
gene sequences, repairing and altering,
gene therapy, 292–293
genetic engineering, 10, 130, 292–293, 294
genetic intervention, 291–295
genetic prejudice, 324
gene transcriptions, 123–127
genome, 9, 10–11
genome-wide association studies (GWASs),
genome-wide complex trait analysis
(GCTA), 66–69
Giardina, Irene, 246
“gift edness,” 286–289
Ginther, Donna K., 323
Gintis, Herbert, 321
G is for Genes (Plomin and Asbury), 18
Gittleman, Maury, 314
Giurfa, Martin, 200, 213
Gladwell, Malcolm, 288
Glass, Gene, 321, 326, 340
Goddard, Henry H., 78–79
Goldberg, Elkhonon, 12, 169
Goldberger, Ary, 162
Goldhaber, Dale, 25
Goodman, Sally, 337
Goodwin, Brian, 145
Google, 334

Gopnik, Alison, 96
Goswami, Usha, 93
Gottfredson, Linda, 14, 88, 91, 92, 100,
101, 287
Gottlieb, Gilbert, 149, 152–153
Gough, Nancy, 122
Gould, Stephen Jay, 22
Gove, Michael, 307
g paradox, 100, 192
G-protein-coupled-receptors (GPCRs),
gratifi cation, delayed, 317
Gray, Peter, 311
Great Britain, genetic map of, 68
Gregory, Richard, 218
Guerin, Stephen, 242
Guion, Robert, 88

Habas, Raymond, 145
Hagen, Elizabeth P., 85
Haier, Richard J., 27–28, 191, 194
Handy, Charles, 340
Hartigan, John, 89
Hasson, Uri, 260–261, 271
Hastings Center Report, 19
Hawrylycz, Mike, 195–196
Head Start, 305, 324
heart, 162
“heat shock” proteins, 155
hedonic well-being, 273
Heim, Alice, 304
Hennig, Holger, 269–270
heredity, 37–38
heritability, 12–14; of basal metabolic rate,
164–165; of blood pressure, 165;
estimates for IQ, 65; estimating, 40–41,
45–46; of IQ in twins, 54–58; missing
heritability problem, 19–21, 66;
misunderstanding of, 69–70; phantom,
23, 49; in twin studies, 63–66
Herrnstein, Richard, 8
higher inclusion classes, 222

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