Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

high school grades: correlation with
Practical Assessment of Clinical
Examination Skills, 333; correlation with
SAT scores and college grades, 330–331
Hiltzik, Michael, 22
hippocampus, 197, 224
H. naledi, 263–264
Ho, Mae-Wan, 130–131, 155
Hoff man, Donald, 174
Home Observation for Measurement of
the Environment (HOME) scale, 302
hominids, 262–263, 272
Homo erectus, 264–265
Homo habilis, 263–264
Homo sapiens, 265–266
honeybees, 213
hormone interaction, 160–163
horse racing, study of betting on, 96
horticultural view of child, 25, 51, 308
house martin, 65
Howard-Jones, Paul, 28–29, 31
Howe, Michael, 288
Hsu, Stephen, 293
Hsu, Steve, 16
Huang, Chih-Mao, 277–278
Huff man, Sandra, 297, 298
Human Brain Project, 27
Human Genome Project, 15
human intelligence: versus animal social
intelligence, 271–273; “binding” of
nervous systems, 269–271; creation of
potential and, 286; cultural tools as
cognitive tools, 275–279; diversity in,
268–269; evolution for cooperation,
266–268; evolution of, 261–265;
“gift edness” and, 286–289; Homo
sapiens, 265–266; individualism,
258–261, 274–275
Humphrey, Nicholas, 252
Hunt, Earl, 75
Hunter, John, 86, 87, 89
hunter-gatherer groups, 260, 273, 311

hunting, cooperative, 249, 250, 257, 262,
266, 274
Hurri, Jarmo, 181
hyperbrain networks, 271
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis,
hypothalamus, 188–189
Hyvärinen, Aapo, 181

ideology: defi ned, 1; fuzziness of
boundaries between science and, 6;
in science, 4–5
immigration, 67, 78–79
immunocompetence, 166
Imperial College, 21
income inequality, 306–308, 316–319
Independent Science News, 22
individual-based modeling, 240, 243
individualism, 258–261
infancy: deprivation in, 298–299; stress
during, 299
Ingold, Tim, 278
innate knowledge, 226
Innovation Unit, 338
insects, 238–242, 248, 271–272
intellectual capital, 30
intelligence: age and development of,
81–82; artifi cial, 210–211; in basic
model, 44–45; behavioral geneticists
and prediction of, 35–36; brain and,
11, 26, 169–170, 190–198; of cells, 171;
cognitive, 199, 219–220, 248; correlations
between spouses, 52; correlation with
race, 78–80; developmental, 140–146;
distribution of, 45–46; DNA sequencing
for, 15–19; environment’s role in, 24–26;
general, 8–9, 14, 35; genes and, 12;
heritability of, 13; IQ as measure of, 9,
73–74, 104; origins of, 105, 115; real roots
of, 111–115; school performance and,
82–84, 85; signaling environmental
change and, 118–125; social inequality

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