Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


and, 7–8; sorting people by, 72–73;
swarm, 237–242; variation in, 42–43; of
visual system, 172–174. See also human
intelligence; IQ; IQ tests/testing; social
intelligent systems, 115–117, 308–309
intelligent variation, 229–230
internal signaling, 120–123
introns, 126
Ioannidis, John, 4
IQ: of adopted children, 60–62; age and,
81–82; brain and, 27–28; changeability
of, 102; correlation between brain size
and, 190–191; correlations between
spouses, 52; correlation with cortical
thickness, 193–194; in cultural context,
98–100, 280–286; Flynn eff ect and rise
in average, 97–104; heritability estimates
for, 65; individual diff erences in
physiology and, 164, 166–167; job
performance and, 86–93; as measure of
intelligence, 9, 73–74, 104; sorting
people according to, 72–73; trainability
of, 102–103; twin studies regarding,
53–62. See also intelligence; IQ tests/
IQ tests/testing: author’s experience with,
72; Binet and, 76–78; calibrated against
school performance, 320; cognition
and, 199–200; complex cognition in
real life and, 95–97; constructed to
reveal presumed diff erences, 80–82;
correlation with social class, 7–8,
67–68, 78, 101, 103; culture-free, 93–95;
growth of, 80; ideological origins of,
74–76; individual diff erences in
physiology and, 163–164; as measure
of brain functions, 191–192; subversion
of, 78–80; validity of, 84–86. See also
intelligence; IQ
Isaacs, Elizabeth, 297
Isaacson, Walter, 289

Jackson, Duncan, 238
Jacobson, Lenore, 322
Jaeggi, Susanne, 102–103, 233
James, William, 174, 201
Jensen, Arthur, 8, 91, 93
Jerison, Harry, 255
job performance, 86–93, 332–335
job security, 317
Johnson, Mark, 222
Johnson, Michael, 17
Johnson, Wendy, 52
Joseph, Jay, 55, 57
juxtacrine signaling, 141

Kahn, Shulamit, 323
Kahneman, Daniel, 280
Kamin, Leon, 43
Kanizsa triangle, 218
Karban, Richard, 163
Kauff man, Stuart, 108
Kaufman, Barry, 9
Keane, Mark, 200, 210
Kemp, Iris, 9
Kim, Youngdoe, 68
kinetic depth eff ect, 175
knowledge, 225–227; cultural context of
IQ and, 282–283; regeneration of, 278;
school, 325–326; school-acquired and
real-life, 333–334; social cognition
and, 247–248
Köhler, Wolfgang, 207
Kolbert, Elizabeth, 331
Komiya, Yuko, 145
Kropotkin, Peter, 256, 257
Kumar, Krishna, 68–69
Kunkle, Daniel, 242

labeling, self-fulfi lling, 321–324
Lane, Nick, 110
language, 276
Lappin, Joseph, 176
Latham, Jonathan, 17–18

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