Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

law of cultural development, 277, 286
learned cognitive structures, Flynn eff ect
and, 98–99
learning, 223–224; acquisition and
participation metaphors of theory of,
335; genes’ role in, 293–294;
observational, 244, 253; in real-life
contexts, 336–340; social, 259
Lee, Tai-Sing, 180
Leonard, Naomi, 243–244
Lerner, Richard, 34
Lewis, Michael, 25, 304
Lickliter, Robert, 130, 155
life: origins of, 109–110; origins of
intelligence and, 115; role of genes
in, 106–111
lifelong plasticity, 152–153, 187
ligand, 141
light, functional connectivity in visual
system and, 186
Liker, Jeff rey, 96
Lilienfeld, Scott, 31
limit cycle attractors, 109, 114, 215
line, concept of, 217; and grammar of
cognition, 217–218
locus coeruleus, 161
London Royal Society, 29
Lott, Bernice, 312
Lövdén, Martin, 300–301
Love, Alan, 25

MacKay, Donald, 179, 184–185
Mackey, Allyson, 103
Mackintosh, Nicholas, 100
Malafouris, Lambos, 282
malleability, 69
malnutrition, 297, 301
mammals: social cooperation in, 248–251;
social intelligence of, 272
Marcus, Gary, 33
Marder, Eve, 194, 195
Martin, Nicholas, 57

Martinez, Kenia, 190
Masland, Richard, 174
math, 323–324, 325, 327, 336
Mattick, John, 129
Mauron, Alex, 10
May, Arne, 197
Mayes, Linda C., 25, 304
Mayr, Ernst, 135
McKelvey, Bill, 335
Meadows, Sara, 25–26, 289, 322–323
memes, 259
memory, 224–225, 284. See also working
Mendel, Gregor, 38–39
Menger, Frederic, 260
Mensa, 89
mental state, infl uence of, on genes, 130–131
meta-analysis, 63, 64
metabolic pathways, 132
metameres, 139
“Metrical Scale of Intelligence,” 77
Micceri, Th eodore, 46
Michalski, Vincent, 182
Miller, George, 76, 78
Mind Genes project, 16
Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart
(MISTRA), 53–54, 55–56, 58
missing environment problem, 304
missing heritability problem, 19–21, 66, 294
Mitchum, Ainsley, 8
Mizuseki, Kenji, 46, 195
model fi tting, 44–45
monogenetic disorders, 291
Moore, David, 114
Moreno, Sylvain, 103
morphogens, 142–145, 147, 176
Mossaid, Mehdi, 240
MRI scans, 191, 192–194
mRNA, 124, 126, 127–128, 142, 143
multicellularity, 137, 237
multiplication, 281
multisensory cells, 184

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