Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


multisensory integration, 184, 186–187,
Murphy, Kevin, 63, 87
Murray, Charles, 8
music, 268–271
mutual information, 117
Myxobacteria, 236

National Child Development Study, 303
National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development’s Study of Early
Child Care and Youth Development,
nativism, 202–203, 209, 230–231
natural genetic engineering, 130, 294
natural selection, 46, 52, 64, 130, 154–155,
229, 320
n-back tests, 233
Necker cube, 218
nervous systems, 186–190, 195, 269–271
network attractors, 220
neural crest, 139
neural networks, artifi cial, 205–207, 221
neural processes, correlation of IQ and
job performance and, 90–91
neural tube, 139
neuroeconomics, 30
neuro-ectoderm, 147
neuroendocrine stress axis, 160–161
Neuromarketing, 30
neuronal activity, 116, 221
neuron responses, 180–181
neuroscience, education and, 28–29, 32–33
Niehrs, Christof, 120
Nijhout, Frederik, 132
Nilsson-Ehle, Herman, 39
Nisbett, Richard, 98
Noble, Denis, 111, 117, 129
No Child Left Behind, 306
Noë, Ronald, 252
nonlinear dynamical systems, 162
noradrenalin, 161

Norgate, Sarah, 58
Norton, Michael, 340
nucleotides, 15, 20, 126
null hypothesis, 34
nutrition: brain growth and, 301; eff ect of,
on potential, 297–298

Obama, Barack, 306
object concepts, 218, 283
observational learning, 244, 253
Odgers, Candice, 316
Okon-Singer, Hadas, 193
Omholt, Stig, 53
Onat, Selim, 181
“On the Correlation Between Relatives
on the Supposition of Mendelian
Inheritance” (Fisher), 40–42, 47
organic molecules, 109
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) report, 306
Oyama, Susan, 10

Pappa, Irene, 292
paracrine signaling, 141
parents: school performance and support
of, 100; war on, 304–305, 306–307
Park, Denise C., 277–278
pattern abstraction, 268, 269–270; as
intelligence, 268; in humans, 268
patterns, 115, 117, 118, 178, 186, 196, 220;
in environments, 51, 112
Pavesi, Giulio, 337
Pearson, Karl, 7, 80
Pearson, Mark, 314
Penguin Random House, 334
Pessoa, Luiz, 221
Pfeiff er, Th omas, 149
phantom heritability, 23, 49
phenotypic variation, 38–39, 65, 69–70,
125, 130, 132, 155–156
phenylketonuria, 291
pheromones, 239, 240, 241

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