Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


physico-chemical systems, disequilibria
in, 107
physiology, intelligent development and,
Piaget, Jean, 11, 207–209, 221–222, 275, 281
Pickett, Kate, 316
Pickles, Andrew, 32, 193
Piff , Paul, 319
Pinker, Steven, 9, 202, 203, 226, 282
PISA ratings, 307, 327
plankton, 152
plasticity: of brain development, 185–187,
277–278; developmental, 150–152, 223,
230, 239; lifelong, 152–153, 187
Plato, 18
Plomin, Robert: on cognition and IQ
testing, 199; on environment, 313; on
general intelligence, 8; on genes, brain,
and behavior, 168; on genetic limits to
children’s ability, 16, 18; on heritability
among separated twins, 54; heritability
estimates and, 70; horticultural view
of child and, 25; on intelligence and
genetics, 36; on intelligence and life
outcomes, 84; on IQ correlations
between spouses, 52; on preventative
education, 292; Twins Early
Development Study, 56, 63
point-light walker, 175, 176 , 177
Poliok, Cathy, 7
polygenic traits, 40
polyphenisms, 239
population structure, 67
potential: ambiguity regarding, 6;
behavioral geneticists and prediction
of, 35–36; brain and, 26–30, 33, 168–169;
creation of, 286; current context of
promoting, 306–307; DNA sequencing
for, 14–19; in embryo, 155–157;
environment and, 24–26, 295–296,
308–310; genetic intervention and
promotion of, 291–295; human, 261;

ideological genes and, 9–11; infl uence
and development of science of, 2–3;
IQ as measure of, 104; material factors’
eff ects on, 296–298; metaphors
regarding brain and, 169–170; models of
causes and eff ects and, 290–291; in null
hypothesis, 34; psychology of
disengagement and promotion of,
316–319; re-examining science of, 3–5;
school achievement as test of, 320;
social class structures and promotion
of, 310–313; social inequality and, 1–2,
6–8; socio-psychological factors’ eff ects
on, 298–304
Pothos, Emmanuel, 226
Potter, Halley, 329
poverty, 306–308, 316–319
“poverty of the stimulus” argument, 202
powerlessness, psychological eff ects of,
predictability, 109, 112–114, 174–178,
PriceWaterhouseCooper, 334
primates: complex cooperative activity
among, 255–257; intellectual gap
between humans and, 258–259; social
intelligence in, 251–254; understanding
human culture and nature through,
private schools, inherited wealth and, 315
problem solving, 95–97, 227–229
Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) ratings, 307
proteases, 120
protein modifi cations, 126, 127

qualitative traits, 40
quantitative traits, 40
Quartz, Steven, 196

race: brain size and, 11; correlation with
IQ, 78–80

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