Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

Race to the Top program, 327
Ramsden, Sue, 102
Rana sylvatica, 150
randomized mating, assumption of, 52
Rasmussen, Steen, 110
Ratnieks, Francis, 238
Raven, John, 73, 96, 99
Raven test, 91–96, 98–99, 280, 281
reaction time, 90–91
Reader, Simon, 253
real-life problem solving, 95–97
REAL Projects, 338
reasoning, and cultural context of IQ,
280–282. See also thinking
refl ective abstraction, 221–222, 226–227
reifi cation, 83
“Reproducibility Project,” 4
retardation, 77, 78
rhythm, 183–184
Richardson, Michelle, 329–330
Rider, Elizabeth, 102
Ripley, Amanda, 331–332
RNA, 110, 124
RNA regulators, 127–128
Rock, Irving, 174
Roiser, Jonathon, 33, 170
Rose, Steven, 33, 158
Rosensweig, Mark, 299–300
Rosenthal, Robert, 322
Rushton, Philippe, 11
Russon, Anne, 265, 271
Rutter, Michael, 32, 193

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 132
Sacks, Oliver, 269
Salthouse, Timothy, 103
Sänger, Joanna, 271
Satel, Sally, 31
SAT scores, 330, 331
Scarr, Sandra, 54
Schliemann, Analucia, 336
Schmidt, Frank, 86, 87, 89, 100

Schnack, Hugo, 194
Schönemann, Peter, 65
school performance: correlation between
job performance and, 332–335; drive for
educational achievement and, 327–329;
intelligence and, 82–84, 85; IQ tests
calibrated against, 320; as measure of
learning potential, 320, 339; parental
support and, 100; pseudo-achievement
and, 329–332; social inequality and,
Th eSchoolRun .com, 36
schools: private, 315; war on, 305, 306–307
science: cultural context of IQ and,
284–286; defi ned, 1; fuzziness of
boundaries between ideology and, 6;
ideology in, 4–5
Scribner, Sylvia, 96–97
segments, 139
Sejnowski, Terence, 196
selective breeding. See eugenics
self-fulfi lling labeling, 321–324
self-organizing structures, 107–109
Shah, Anuj K., 317
Shakeshaft , Nicholas, 20
Shao, Hongxia, 50
Shapiro, James, 130
Shettleworth, Sara, 200
shoals, 242–244
Siegel, Daniel, 279
Sigelman, Carol, 102
Sigman, Marian, 28
signaling, 118–125, 141, 158, 185
signaling receptors, 118–120
signal transduction pathways, 132
Simon, Th eodore, 76
single-gene disorders, 291
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
15, 20–21, 66–69
smells, Freeman’s experiments with,
Smith, Pamela, 316

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