Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


social class: correlation of IQ tests with,
67–68, 75, 78, 101, 103, 192; educational
system and, 321; gaps between, 314;
learned cognitive structures and, 99;
promotion of potential and, 310–313;
self-fulfi lling labeling and, 321–322;
social mobility and, 306–308;
stereotype threat and, 101
social cognition, 247–248, 250, 252, 271, 279
social engagement, 310–311, 316–319
social hierarchies, 244–245, 248
social inequality, 314; drive for educational
achievement and, 327; educational
system and, 321; genes and, 14; mental
potential and, 1–2, 6–8; school
performance and, 316–319; divisions
of labor and, 311
social intelligence, 235–236; in bird fl ocks,
245–247; cooperation among primates,
255–257; dominance hierarchies,
244–245; evolution of, 236–237; human
versus animal, 271–273; in primates,
251–254; of primates and humans,
254–255; in shoals, fl ocks, and herds,
242–244; social cooperation in
mammals, 248–251; swarm intelligence,
social learning, 244, 253, 259
social mobility, 14, 306–308
Social Science Genetic Association
Consortium, 17
socioeconomic status (SES), 302, 306–308,
Soyer, Orkun, 149
spatiotemporal correlations, 183–185
Spearman, Charles, 8, 82–83, 96
species, diversifi cation of, 137
“spherical horse” problem, 37
stable images, 179
Stanford, Craig, 253
Stanford-Binet IQ test, 80–81, 93
statistical models, 37, 44–52

statistical patterns, 115, 117, 118, 178, 196
Stein, Barry, 186–187, 298
Steinfeld, Trudy, 334
stereotype threat, 101, 318
Stern, William, 77
Sternberg, Robert, 9, 59, 89
Stone, Tony, 204
stone tools, 265, 266, 278
stress: eff ect on genes, 101; during
pregnancy and infancy, 299
structure: brain operation and, 180–182;
visual system and, 174–179
structure abstraction, 269–271
Study of Early Child Care and Youth
Development, 303
Success Charter schools, 328
supervisors’ ratings, as subjective and
biased, 87–88
Sur, Mriganka, 151
swarm intelligence, 237–242
synapses, 171–172, 180, 182

Tagkopoulos, Ilias, 115, 120
Tallis, Raymond, 261
temperature changes, day-night cycle
and, 112–113
temperature regulation, 158–159
Terman, Lewis, 8, 79, 80–81, 287
“theory of mind” theory, 247
Th eSchoolRun .com, 36
Th esleff , Irma, 147
thinking: cultural context of IQ and,
280–282; problem solving and, 227–229
Th ompson, Paul M., 14, 168
Th orndike, Robert L., 85
Toga, Arthur W., 14, 168
Tomasello, Michael, 256, 267
tooth development, 147
totipotent stem cells, 138, 139, 156
transcription factors (TFs), 123–124, 143, 144
transcriptome, 124–125
transitive inference, 222, 248

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