Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1


Tummers, Mark, 147
Turing, Alan, 142
Turkheimer, Erik, 19–20, 24–26, 134, 231
Tutu, Desmond, 274
twins: comparison of identical versus
nonidentical, 56; diff erences in, 59–60;
heritability for mental potential and,
Twins Early Development Study, 56, 63
twin studies: alternative to, 66–69; bizarre
heritabilities in, 63–66; environment in,
51; intelligence heritability estimations
and, 13; problems with data, 53–62

ubiquitin/ubiquitination, 127
United Kingdom, genetic map of, 68
Urbina, Susana, 9
U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 89

values, emotional, 189–190
variation: assumptions in measuring,
43–53; in cognitive ability, 230–232;
in genes and phenotype, 131; identical
genes not restricting, 132–133;
identifying causes of, 40–42;
intelligent, 229–230; interactions
among, 96; interactive sources of,
48–49; irrelevance of genetic, 131–132;
natural selection and, 229; phenotypic,
38–39, 65, 69–70, 125, 130, 132, 155–156;
in physiology, 163–167; uniformity in
development and, 148–153
Visick, Karen, 237
visual illusions, 218–219
visual system: development of, 186;
grammar of cognition and, 216–219;
intelligence of, 172–174; predictability
and, 174–179
vocabulary tests, 92–93
von Helmholtz, Hermann, 178
Vygotsky, Lev, 275, 276–277

Waddington, C. H., 148–149, 153
Wade, Nicholas, 14
Wagner, Andreas, 132
Wallace, Deborah, 204
Wallace, Roderick, 204
Wallach, Hans, 175
“war on parents,” 304–305, 306–307
“war on schools,” 305, 306–307
water fl eas, 150
Watve, Milind, 247
wealth, inherited, 313–316
Wechsler, David, 100
Wechsler test, 93
well-being, eudaimonic versus hedonic, 273
West, Bruce, 162
We sterhoff , Hans, 116
white matter, 296
Wignor, Alexandra, 89
Wilkinson, Richard, 316
Wilson, Edward O., 260
Wnt signaling proteins, 145
Wol ff , Edward N., 314
Wolpert, Lewis, 142–143
womb, environment of, 54, 57, 61
wood frogs, developmental plasticity
in, 150
working memory, 95, 232–234
Wright, Jeremiah, 132
Wright, Sewall, 50
writing, knowledge structures and, 283

xenophobia, 79

Yang, Jin-Ju, 28
Ya rkon i, Ta l, 3 2
Yuan, Yu, 335

Zondle Team Play, neuroscience,
education, and, 29
Zuk, Or, 49
Zukow-Goldring, Patricia, 275

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