Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

Governments are, of course, interested in genes, brains, and potential
for more utilitarian reasons: to enhance the labor supply for our economic
machine; to sustain the competitiveness of business corporations in
international markets; and also, as we shall see, to frame an ideology of
“equal opportunities.” In those contexts, and among human resources
executives, potential is referred to as “intellectual capital,” again rather
vaguely and idealistically. “Neuroeconomics” is itself a growth area, with
at least one journal of that name.
However, the corporations are also interested in the possibility of
manipulating genes and brains to make us good consumers. For example,
I have just received an email from an international organ ization called
Neuromarketing. Its website invites us (with clumsy grammar) to “learn
about how is the brain pro cessing information” and “how do we decide
to buy what we buy?” It goes on (amid many colorful pictures of brains,
nerve networks, and cortical wiring) to claim that “researchers are
studying reactions in people’s brains to examine their reactions to adver-
tising,” and other related topics.
Again, I stress, it is not the genuine discovery and pro gress in these
areas that worries me, but the hasty and reductionist interpretation that
is forced on them (for example, that brains, or genes, are the basis of our
potentials and actions, rather than resources for them). A neuroscience
input to education is widely considered to be a good thing. But I will
show in later chapters that the model of human brain functions on which
most proposals seem to be based is seriously misconceived.


What ever the impact on teachers and the public, large numbers of genu-
ine neuroscientists are already reacting to what are seen as exaggerated
and/or premature claims. Much brilliant work has been done, and much
credit for that is due. But as so oft en happens, technology and method
have far outstripped perspective, theory, and interpretation. Our under-
standing of the brain functions is not yet advanced enough. And, in any
case, real understanding must be found at a variety of levels (as I argue
throughout the second half of the book).

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