Sharks The Animal Answer Guide

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Index 243

water, 5, 13, 20, 91–94; ocean depth, 12–13,
94–95; seeing sharks in the wild, 164–67. See
also latitudes where sharks live
Hákarl, 183
Halave’s Guitarfish (Rhinobatos halavi), 61
Hamilton, Bethany, 173, 178, 211
hammerhead sharks, 4, 62; cephalofoil, 48, 49;
declining numbers, 188; electric sensitivity,
40, 50; eyes, 64; feeding, 50, 142–44; heads,
48–51; olfaction, 33, 49–50; reproduction,
50–51, 119; seeing in the wild, 165; size, 15;
teeth, 30; vertical movements, 45; vision, 49.
See also Great Hammerhead Shark
Haploblepharus kistnasamyi, 98
Harlequin Catshark (Ctenacis fehlmanni), 58
Harriota, 94
hatching times, 119–20
Healy, Claire, 108
hearing ability, 35–36, 139–40, 207
Helicoprion, 13–14; H. bessonovi, 14
helping sharks, 164, 195, 200–201, 222
Heptranchias, 5
herpes virus infection, 181
Heterodontiformes, 4, 10, 227
Hexanchiformes, 4, 10, 228
Hexatrygonidae, 5
hiding from predators, 105
Hirst, Damien, 217
hoaxes, 216
Holocephali, 1, 3–7, 13, 228–29. See also
Homer, Winslow, 217
home ranges, 76–77
Horn Shark (Heterodontus francisci), 4, 10; activ-
ity, 150; age, 132; coloration, 63; feeding, 63,
137, 150, 152–53; home range, 76; as prey,
102, 106; reproduction, 119, 123, 126, 127;
teeth, 28, 30
hound sharks, 4, 61, 63, 66, 116, 121, 122
human use of shark parts, 197–200, 207;
meat, 182–84, 194, 200; medicines, 21, 107,
160–63, 181, 188, 193, 198
Hybodus, 13
hybrid sharks, 128

ichthyologists/ichthyology, 1, 20, 205, 221–22;
organizations, 221–22, 230–31; websites,
identifying individuals, 71–73
immunity to disease, 180–81
injured sharks, 164, 200
Integra, 160
intelligence, 52, 79–81, 135, 154
interdental distance (IDD), 179
International Plan of Action for the Conserva-
tion and Management of Sharks, 195
International Shark Attack File (ISAF),
172, 184

International Union for the Conservation of
Nature (IUCN), 185, 191, 195, 201, 230
intertidal fishes, 100
Irawaddy River Shark (Glyphis siamensis), 91, 98
Irwin, Steve, 176
Japanese Angel Shark (Squatina japonica), 147
Java Stingaree (Urolophus javanicus), 99
Jaws (book, movie), 172, 209–10, 212, 213, 220
jewelry, 198
Kagoshima Ioworld Aquarium, 169
Kenting National Museum of Biology and
Aquarium, 169
Kitefin Shark (Dalatias licha), 4, 17, 25, 26
Lamniformes, 4, 10, 227
lantern sharks, 4; coloration, 60, 63, 64; feed-
ing, 136, 137, 153; light emission, 63; ocean
depth, 89, 94; size, 16, 95
Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis microdon), 73, 93,
104, 130, 143, 186, 189–90, 190
latitudes where sharks live, 213; coloration, 67;
high, 24, 67, 87, 96, 99, 191; sex differences,
128; subtropical, 8, 11, 128, 173; temperate,
8, 10, 13, 95–96, 101, 128, 131, 171; tropical,
8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 58, 59–60, 67, 78, 93,
95–96, 99, 103, 132, 151, 173, 191; water
temperature, 13, 23–24
Leafscale Gulper Shark (Centrophorus squamo-
sus), 94, 130
learning ability, 51, 79–82, 163, 167
leather goods, 197–98, 199 , 207
Lemon Shark (Negaprion brevirostris), 10, 223;
activity, 150–51; attacks, 76, 174; avoiding
predators, 104; behavior, 73; cannibalism,
101; ecotourism, 165; eyes, 64; feeding, 79,
150; fighting, 73; fishing, 194; habitats, 12,
77, 91; hearing, 35; home range, 77; identify-
ing individuals, 71, 72; learning ability, 80;
lying on the bottom, 41; migration, 120;
olfaction, 140; reproduction, 120, 125; seeing
in the wild, 166; teeth, 30; territoriality, 76;
vision, 49
Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciata), 223, 223 ;
albino, 61; coloration, 55, 58, 64, 65; eyes,
64; feeding, 137, 148; reproduction, 120,
121; seeing in captivity, 167; size and longev-
ity, 130; teeth, 30
Lesser Electric Ray (Narcine bancroftii), 148
Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 81, 152
Lined Catshark (Halaelurus lineatus), 119
Lisbon Oceanarium, 169
literature, 219–20
litter in ocean, 192
litters, size of, 121–24
Little Skate (Leucoraja erinacea), 46, 66, 88, 115,
117, 120, 123, 126, 223
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