Computational Methods in Systems Biology

(Ann) #1
Database of Dynamic Signatures Generated 307

each type of node has to be precomputed using Cylindrical Algebraic Decom-
position (CAD). The current set of computed input-output logic files can be
found at /usr/local/share/DSGRN/logic/ in the local installation of DSGRN.
The interpretation of the logic files are given in the Documentation linked from
the DSGRN website [ 22 ]. The second limitation is the size of the parameter
graph. This size is a product of parameter graphs of all the nodes and grows fast
with the type of the node, as well as number of nodes. The command line tool
dsgrncan compute the size of the parameter graph based on the network struc-
ture, so that the user can check its size (see Documentation, section High-Level
API) before committing to the calculation.

Acknowledgment.The work of T. G. was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-
1226213 DMS-1361240 and DARPA D12AP200025. B. C. was supported by DARPA
D12AP200025. The work of S. H. and K. M. was partially supported by grants NSF-
DMS-1125174, 1248071, 1521771 and a DARPA contract HR0011-16-2-0033.


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