Computational Methods in Systems Biology

(Ann) #1
PINT: A Static Analyzer for Transient Dynamics of Qualitative Networks 313

Table 1. Benchmark† of goal reachability verification with two exact methods
(NuSMVandITS-reach)andPint, before (normal font) and after (bold font) goal-
oriented model reduction;|T|is the number of local transitions in automata networks;
|state|is the number of reachable global states, when computable. KO indicates an
out-of-memory/time computation. In all casesPintis conclusive.

Verification of goal reachability
Model (|nodes|) |T| |states| NuSMV(EFg) ITS-reach Pint
TCell-d (101) [ 1 ] 381 ≈ 2. 4 · 108 2s 40Mb 0.5 s 26 Mb 0.02 s
profile 1 0 1
TCell-d (101) 381 KO KO 960 s 1.6 Gb 4.5 s
profile 2 221 75,947,684 470 s 270 Mb 15 s 160 Mb
RBE2F (370) [ 22 ] 742 KO KO KO 0.2 s
56 2,350,494 3s 37Mb 4s 13Mb
MAPK (309) [ 24 ] 1251 KO KO KO 48 s
429 KO KO KO
Scripts and models available at

Table 2.Performance†of cut sets and mutations under-approximations withPint
depending on the maximal cardinality of returned sets.

Goal TCell-d (101) Egf-r (104) [ 23 ] MAPK (309) PID (10,229) [ 20 ]
3-cut sets 0.06 s 35 0.02 s 34 0.06 s 24 1.2 s 7
4-cut sets 0.10 s 101 0.02 s 34 0.1 s 48 5s 37
6-cut sets 0.60 s 495 0.03 s 34 1s 60 10 m 907
3-mutations 0.30 s 15 0.30 s 20 5s 222 50 m 7
4-mutations 0.30 s 15 0.30 s 22 10 s 1896 50 m 67
6-mutations 0.30 s 15 0.30 s 22 KO 50 m 367
Scripts and models available at

Table 3.Performance† (Scripts and models available at
pint-benchmarks.tbz2) of exact and approximatedidentification of bifurcation transi-
tionswithNuSMVandPint, respectively;|tb|is the number of identified bifurcation

|T| |states| goal NuSMV Pint
|tb| time |tb| time
EGF/TNF (28) [ 17 ] 53 3968 NFkB = 0 5 0.2 s 2 0.1 s
MAPK (53) [ 11 ] 173 KO Proliferation = 1 KO 13 40 s
TCell-d (101) 381 KO FOXP3 = 1 KO 4 58 s
Scripts and models available at
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