Cannabis sativa L. - Botany and Biotechnology

(Jacob Rumans) #1

About the Editors

Suman Chandrareceived a M.Phil. degree in
Environmental Plant Physiology and a Ph.D. degree in
Plant Physiology from The High Altitude Plant
Physiology Research Center, HNB Garhwal University,
India. He worked at The High Altitude Plant
Physiology Research Center and GB Pant Institute of
Himalayan Environment and Development, India, from
1992 to 2000. Dr. Chandra joined the University of
Mississippi, MS, USA in 2001 and is currently working
as a Senior Research Scientist at The National Center
for Natural Product Research, Research Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences (RIPS), School of Pharmacy.
His research interests include conservation, cultivation
and improvement of medicinal plants, and effects of
climatic changes on physiology and secondary
metabolites of medicinally important plants. Dr.
Chandra has more than 50 publications, 100 meeting
presentations, and an edited book to his credit.

Hemant Latareceived her Ph.D. (Plant Physiology)
from High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Center,
HNB Garhwal University, India; MS (Biotechnology)
from Guru Nanak Dev University, India and BS
(Botany Hons.) from University of Delhi, India. She
obtained her postdoctoral training from Laboratory of
Cellular and Molecular Cytogenetics, Department of
Botany, University of Delhi. Dr. Lata joined the
University of Mississippi in year 2000 as postdoctoral
research associate and has been promoted to the
research faculty position in December 2003. She is

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