Cannabis sativa L. - Botany and Biotechnology

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Maleflowers are pale green, borne on axillary laxly branched cymose panicles.
Flowers in the panicles occur solitarily, in clusters, or in 3-flowered cymules. Each
flower consists offive tepals,five stamens and a slender pedicel. The tepals are
ovate-oblong, 2–4 cm long, yellowish- or whitish-green, spreading, and minutely
hairy. The stamens are drooping and consist of slenderfilaments and oblong,
greenish anthers. Pollen grains are liberated through terminal pores in the anthers
(UNODC 2009 ).
Femaleflowers (Fig.5.1a–c;5.2a) are dark green, subsessile and are borne in
pairs. Theflowers are closely aggregated at the apex of short spike inflorescences,
which are densely formed in the upper axils of branches. Eachflower consists of

Fig. 5.1 Morphology ofC. sativa.a–cTwigs with female inflorescences;dA twig of a male
plant;eLeaves showing variation in the number of lobes;fSeeds

5 Morpho-Anatomy of Marijuana (Cannabis sativaL.) 125

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