Cannabis sativa L. - Botany and Biotechnology

(Jacob Rumans) #1

1.6 Four Utilitarian Classes ofCannabis

The many different kinds of plant ofC. sativacan be grouped into four basic
utilitarian categories, including: (1)“wild”(weedy) plants that have escaped from
cultivation and grow independently in nature; and three groups of cultivated plants
that have been selected for distinctive economic products: (2)fiber from the main
stalk (employed for textiles, cordage, and numerous recent applications);
(3) Oilseed (oil-rich seed employed for human food, livestock feed, nutritional
supplements, industrial oils, and occasionally as a biofuel); and (4) psychoactive
drugs from theflowering parts (used mostly illicitly for recreation and more
recently legally as medicinals). These groups are discussed sequentially, followed
by an examination of their classification.

1.6.1 Wild Plants

Plants ofC. sativagrowing outside of cultivation are common in much of the
world. These frequently possess distinctive adaptations, which are not present in

Fig. 1.1 Approximate pre-Columbian distribution offiberCannabis sativa(ingreen) and
marijuanaCannabis sativa(inred)

1 Classification ofCannabis sativaL. in Relation... 7

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