100 Great War Movies: The Real History Behind the Films

(C. Jardin) #1


(Million Dollar Baby) to do a rewrite that was completed in late October 2004. Read-
ing about the Battle of Iwo Jima from the Japa nese perspective— especially that of
the island’s garrison commander, Lt. Gen. Tadamichi Kuribayashi— Eastwood
deci ded to film Letters from Iwo Jima, a companion film shot entirely in Japa nese.

Jared Leto was originally cast as Rene Gagnon but dropped out due to scheduling
issues. With the exception of Barry Pepper, Paul Walker, and Harve Presnell, the
large cast— nearly 100 speaking parts— was composed of unknowns. Filming took
place over a 58- day period in far- flung locations in the winter of 2005–2006. East-
wood made a scouting trip to Iwo Jima in April 2005 but determined it was too
remote for a large- scale film production. Instead, the battle scenes were shot on
Reykjanes, a volcanic peninsula in Iceland that featured black sand beaches and
craters almost identical in appearance to Iwo Jima. A couple of scenes were shot at
Universal Studios’ backlot, but most of the stateside scenes were shot at vari ous
locations in Pasadena, Los Angeles, Chicago, and at the USMC War Memorial in
Arlington, Virginia. A bond drive scene supposedly taking place at Soldier Field
in Chicago was actually filmed at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, using lots of computer-
generated imagery (CGI) (though exterior shots of the real stadium were also
used). Shooting ended early in 2006. The shoot for the movie’s companion piece,
Letters from Iwo Jima, began in March 2006.

Plot Summary
The three surviving US ser vicemen who were the flag raisers at Iwo Jima— Marine
Pfcs. Ira Hayes (Adam Beach) and Rene Gagnon ( Jesse Bradford) and Navy Corps-
man John “Doc” Bradley (Ryan Phillippe)— are celebrated as heroes in a U.S. war
bond drive. They reflect on their experiences during and after the war via a series
of flashbacks. After training at Camp Tarawa in Hawaii (October  1944), the
28th Marine Regiment (5th Marine Division) joins an invading armada headed for
Iwo Jima, a small island off Japan’s mainland. To soften Japa nese re sis tance, the
Navy shells Iwo Jima for three days. Sgt. Mike Strank (Barry Pepper) is put in charge
of Second Platoon. On the fourth day of the battle—19 February 1945— the Marines
land on Iwo Jima in Higgins boats. They meet no immediate re sis tance but then,
all at once, Japa nese heavy artillery and machine guns open fire on the advancing
Marines. The beaches are secured, but casualties are heavy. After two days of fierce
fighting, the Marines mount an assault on Mount Suribachi. Doc saves the lives of
several Marines under fire, earning the Navy Cross in the pro cess. After a dogged
fight, the mountain is secured. On 23 February Sgt. Hank Hansen (Paul Walker)
is ordered to scale Mount Suribachi. His squad reaches the summit and hoists the
American flag atop Suribachi. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (Michael
Cumpsty) sees the flag as he reaches the beach and asks to keep the flag himself.
However, Col. Chandler Johnson (Robert Patrick) counters that his own 2nd Bat-
talion is more deserving of the flag than Forrestal. Rene Gagnon is sent up with
Second Platoon to replace the first (smaller) flag with a second one intended
for Forrestal. Mike, Doc, Ira, Rene, and two other marines— Cpl. Harlon Block
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