120 | 2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Digital Art Master: Juan Pablo RoldánThis concept was inspired by the Biblicalstory of the Ark, but I wanted to setit in the context of a dystopian futurefull of giant ships, showing the Arkfalling in the middle of a city in war.Before the beginning of any concept, I tryto imagine and feel the world that I amgoing to create. I think about the time inwhich it will take place, who the charactersare, and what kind of atmosphere I wantto convey. Additionally, I always dig intohistory to create a believable context.Starting to paintI have fun exploring different brushstrokes,textures and shapes. I like to blend them,generate chaos, and then control all the messto fit the direction that I have already chosen.I used this method to begin with, generatingunexpected and interesting shapes that Icould use to enhance and guide the idea.I always keep in mind that among this chaosI can extract what I want to see. I tried to beconsistent with the main idea and not getdistracted by others. I then used some brushesthat simulated cloud shapes and mixed it withchaos and used it to establish the volume,shape and the perspective of what was goingto be the main feature of the scene: the ship.``````Next, I sought out some reference images fromhttp://www.textures.com. It is important to work using alot of visual references, especially when workingon complex designs such as vehicles or robots.``````some textures. To establish the background,I found a strong silhouette in the midst of the``````âIt was important to definethe vanishing points ofthe ship in order to locatethe elements accuratelyand proportionallyâ``````Defining the background and focal point, as well as thesilhouette and perspective of the ship``````At this point, I brought in references and established the vanishing points
martin jones
(Martin Jones)