2D Artist

(Martin Jones) #1

3DTOTALPUBLISHINGIn this sequel to the best-selling Beginner's Guide to DigitalPainting in Photoshop book, a new set of talented artistsbreak down the best and simplest techniques for creatingamazing artwork in Photoshop Elements. This fundamentalguide offers easy-to-follow steps that guide you throughsetting up your software, working with brushes and basic arttheory, as well as chapters on creating certain artistic styles.The Beginner’s Guide series is back with a clear and comprehensive look at working in Adobe Photoshop Elements.Available from http://www.3dtotal.com/shopWith a simplified interface and fewer variable parameters to learn thanits big brother, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements is an ideal tool for anyartist’s first digital adventure. This book is therefore a perfect resource for:- Newcomers to Photoshop and digital painting- Artists looking to switch from a traditional medium- Lecturers and students teaching/studying digital art courses- Hobbyists who want to learn useful tips

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