Editorâs LetterContributors### CONOR BURKEConor Burke is an Irish freelance concept artist andillustrator, with a background in architecture. He currentlyworks in London, and has worked with clients in film,architecture and publishing.
### NADER SHARAFNader Sharaf is a freelance illustrator currently living inMadrid. His work has been published internationallyby a wide range of magazines, book publishers andadvertising agencies, among many others clients.
### HELEN NORCOTTHelen Norcott is a freelance digital artist and graphicdesigner based in Middlesbrough, UK. She currentlyworks as a freelance concept artist and specializes inpainting vibrant environment art.``````Issue 129 is once again packed full of artist insights,inspiration, and brand new gallery artwork! Weinterview concept artist for AAA games Ned Rogers,and new environment artist Waqas Malik. We alsoshowcase the sketches of Grzesiek Wroblewski, whiletaking a look at the distinctive portfolio of magazineand book illustrator Nader Sharaf.``````In this monthâs tutorials, Helen Norcott shows howto speed paint an underwater monster, and KatyGrierson demonstrates how you can use Photoshopand photo references to speed paint a seascape.Gina Nelson breaks down how she creates a vibrantcharacter concept, and Markus Lovadina designs abicycle used to generate power in a futuristic scene.Conor Burke also shows how to create an originalfantasy battle shaman character!
Welcome to 2dartist issue 129!### ANNIE MOSSJunior Editor``````KEEP UP TO DATEWITH 3DTOTAL!``````facebook.com/3dtotalfacebook.com/2dartisttwitter.com/3dtotal``````youtube.com/3dtotalpublishingvimeo.com/3dtotalvimeo.com/layerpaintpinterest.com/3dtotal``````instagram.com/3dtotalinstagram.com/2dartistmaggoogle.com/+3dtotalcg``````3dtotal.tumblr.com
### MARKUS LOVADINAMarkus Lovadina is a senior concept artist for theentertainment industry with over twenty yearsexperience. He has worked on projects from games andfilm to publishing, graphic design and commercials.
### KATY GRIERSONKaty Grierson has been drawing and painting for as longas she can remember, and feels especially privileged thatit is her job. Sheâs always had an active imagination andtake greats pleasure in world building.
### GINA NELSONGina Nelson is a self taught 2D artist originally fromSouth Africa. She currently works as the lead artist atthe London based games studio, The Secret Police, andspecializes in concept art and 2D game art.
### JUAN PABLO ROLDÃNJuan Pablo Roldán is a freelance concept artist basedin Medellin, Colombia. He creates deeply atmosphericscenes and environments for film and game projects,including the upcoming Halo Wars 2.
### WAQAS MALIKWaqas Malik is a freelance concept artist living in Karachi,Pakistan. He has big dreams and is working on makingthem possible by creating environment conceptsprimarily for videogames.
### NED ROGERSNed Rogers is a freelance concept artist from Adelaide,Australia. He works in the AAA videogame and filmindustries, specializing in environment concepts, keyframe and set design.``````2dartist is now onInstagram!
### GRZESIEK WROBLEWSKIGrzesiek Wroblewski is an illustrator, concept artist anddesigner. He works with companies such as Juice andPlatige Image, and for clients including Nike, Ubisoft,Nikon, Burger King, and Cadbury.
martin jones
(Martin Jones)