412dartist magazine | issue 1 2 9I have a supportive network of fellow artistsand it is amazing how creative people canhelp each other these days. I have friends allover the world that inspire and support me.``````I donât worry about whether my ideas aregood or not. I just draw what I feel and hope itwill be good... well, of course the knowledgeof composition and perspective helps a bit.When I have a really good idea I just draw,no matter if it is the middle of the night, orif I am outside and it is raining; when I feelan idea might be good I am drawing.``````part of the European Capital of Culture inWrocÅaw 2016. I can say that my dreamshave come true, but I am ready for more.``````Iâve never felt like I need any motivationto work as drawing is always a pleasure.Hand drawing gives me more control on aform. To be honest, most of my illustrationshave their beginning in a sketchbook.``````Inspiration and ideasMost of my inspirations come from life andnature, but also from books and movies. Alot of my ideas come to me in coffee shops.I know it sounds funny but I love to draw inpublic spaces, and sometimes I just canâtfocus when it is too quiet. Iâm inspired byartists such as Pat Perry, Dave Rapoza, JasonShawn Alexander, Aaron Horkey, James Jeanand many more. Unfortunately I donât spendmuch time in galleries. I try to go to as manyexhibitions as I can but it is never enough.
Discover the artisticinfluences behind Grzesiekâscomplex works...I donât remember how I started drawing; Iguess it was always a part of my life. It wasjust me, a pencil and some paper. My mumparticularly encouraged me, she alwayssupported me and she was the person whogave me my first sketchbook. Sketchbooksare really convenient things so I always haveone on me. You never know when you aregoing to have an idea for a new illustration.I guess I never deliberately pursued a careeras an artist; it was more a case of followingmy intuition. The highlights of my careerso far have been working with big namecompanies. Iâve had the pleasure to workwith Oscar nominated Tomek Baginskiillustrating The Witcher covers, and Iâvealso been chosen to exhibit my works as aâI love to draw in moleskinsketchbooks with red penciland ink. There is somethingspecial in those yellow pages,and good quality paper helpswith detailsâ``````Dragon
martin jones
(Martin Jones)