452dartist magazine | issue 1 2 9MaterialsI love to draw in moleskin sketchbooks withred pencil and ink. There is something specialin those yellow pages, and good qualitypaper helps with details. My favorite materialsare moleskins, the Jotter Parker pen, andCopic Multiliner SP pens. When it comesto sketchbooks, I havenât found any otherthat would replace the moleskin for me.``````I guess I am obsessed with paper and inks; theway they interact with each other. Of course thereare just some materials I like more than others,and there are some that I donât know how to useto express myself. I must say I love my routine,though I never say no to trying new techniquesand materials. I would like to work more with3D software and after that try sculpting.``````Sketching techniquesI specialize in line art. I have this theory thateveryone sees the world in different ways andI see it in lines and shapes. The only sketchingtip I have is to work hard and study perspective,anatomy and composition. Sometimes themost challenging aspects of sketching appearwhen you are working for a client, but you justhave to forget about them and do what youare best at. I try to take pleasure from what Ido and have fun with different mediums.``````I was given the advice that âeveryone has theirown, find yours and work on it.â It is alwaysbetter to know the mistakes of others thanlearning on your own though. It is importantto learn anatomy, study architecture andobserve nature in botanical gardens.``````âSometimes the mostchallenging aspects ofsketching appear when youare working for a client, butyou just have to forget aboutthem and do what you arebest atâ
This isnât wonderland and youâre not Alice
martin jones
(Martin Jones)