2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Design a bicycle power generatorPick up tips for efficientpainting and creatingfuturistic details...When I received the brief to create abicycle power generator for this tutorial, Iimmediately thought it was a great topic withmany possibilities. This could range from afantasy style wooden bicycle with glowinghot embers, to a futuristic, clean sci-fi scene.I decide on a sci-fi scene, but with a twist.Instead of going for one of those superstylish penthouse apartments, I will paintmore of a student room scene. It will stillbe set up in a futuristic world, but witha messy touch to the environment.As for the tutorial itself, I will try tocapture and explain my process for thisproject as simply as possible. My processtends to differ from project to projectand really depends on the topic.For this one, I will start with some sketching,moving on to a final rough sketch, anddeveloping a silhouette that will be very usefulwhen putting the scene together. My focuswill be to set up the entire scene and to getas much storytelling in it as possible, ratherthan solely focusing on the generator itself.01Sketching: Sketching is always agreat way to start a new project. It``````really gives you the freedom to explore, freeyour mind, and create new and interestingthings. Since this tutorial is about a bicyclepower generator it would be a good idea tostart with the bicycle, especially as the shapeof the bicycle could provide enough hintsand ideas for the audience to understandhow the whole generator would work.Try to explore different shapes andlooks, but always keep the sci-fi theme inmind. To be more precise, ensure thereare simple geometric shapes, and ofcourse a logical functionality on top.
02Final rough sketch: After you havefound an interesting shape whichcombines the sci-fi and functionality aspectsI mentioned, move on to a more finalizedsketch. Scan in all of your sketches and playaround with copying and pasting. I do not findanything that works, so I start with a blank newfile and sketch in a rough silhouette. Once youare happy with the shape, create a new layeron top and use the standard Round brush todraw the outline. The outline will be essentialfor the shape as it will need to be clear howthe bike functions with the generator.``````Sketch with whatever you feel most comfortable tobring some ideas to paper``````The sketch has futuristicshapes that can beused for the bike andgenerator. Itâs fun toreuse earlier sketchesand combine them tosee if anything sparksfresh ideas
martin jones
(Martin Jones)