2DARTIST MAGAZINE | ISSUE 129``````83``````a transparent user interface (UI) to show thecontent. The light effect of the reflection onthe floor is made from an old image, where Ireused a part of the painting. Copy in the part,transform it to match the perspective, and setit to Color Dodge. Then duplicate the layer, flipit vertically, and move it down, so that it can berecognized as a reflection. To make a reflectionblurry, use the Motion Blur filter. There is norule to this, so you have to play around withthe angles and amount until you are happy.``````Finally, add a silhouette of a person taking ashower. This is the reason why the bike waspointed towards the shower earlier, to lead theviewerâs eye to the human element in the scene.I pick a female silhouette. On top of the actual
developing a clean shape for the bike, itis now time to use it properly. Open thebike document, select the bike, and copyand paste it into the scene document.The next step is to transform it so that it fits theperspective and also creates a pleasing dramaticangle. The idea is that the bike points towardsthe shower. Why? You will find out more later.At the moment we are only concerned abouthaving a shape of a bike since this already givesenough information to make it appear three-dimensional when adding detail in the next step.10Details: The focus now is on the bike.By Ctrl+clicking on the bike layer, geta selection of just the bike, and as usual thenext step is to create a new layer on top. If youpress Ctrl+H you can hide the selection whileit is still active. With the newly created layer,start to paint a light gray in as the base color forthe bike. Keep the strokes quite loose and seewhat happens. Sometimes âhappy accidentsâare quite useful, as they are in this case.The loosely painted strokes give the impressionof a layered material. Based on these strokes,add more and more details, varying with theHard and Soft Round brushes. The âstickersâon the frame are made with the Lasso toolon a separate layer, set to Overlay.``````In terms of details in the rest of the room, onthe left-hand side of the scene is a shelf-likeobject. This could be a futuristic bookshelf with``````Preparing elements early will definitely speed up your process and in this case gives enough information to get started``````Adding color splashes helps to set up the early color palette, creating a focal point and leading the eye
martin jones
(Martin Jones)