MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Dr. Joe Vitale is a globally famous author, musician, marketing expert, movie, tv, and radio per-
sonality, and one of the top 50 inspirational speakers in the world. His many bestselling books
include The Attractor Factor, Attract Money Now, and Zero Limits, and his latest releases are
The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment, and Anything is Possible, Seven Steps For Doing The
Impossible. A popular expert on the law of attraction in many movies, including The Secret,
Joe has appeared on all the top tv networks and in The New York Times and Newsweek!

Also well-known as a healer, helping people clear their subconscious minds of limiting beliefs
that prevent them from manifesting their desires, Dr. Joe Vitale is an authentic practitioner of
modern Ho'oponopono, a certified Reiki healer, certified Chi Kung practitioner, certified clini-
cal hypnotherapist, certified NLP practitioner, ordained minister, and holds a doctorate in met-
aphysical science. Creator of the Miracles Coaching® program that helps people achieve their
dreams, this man, once homeless is today a bestselling author who believes in magic and mir-
acles and has spent the last four decades learning how to master the powers that allow us to
channel the pure creative energy of life without resistance.

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