MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Working capital management is vital to the
success of your business and how your busi-
ness is viewed by others.
The ability to properly manage working capi-
tal also relates to the growth of your busi-
ness. This is in addition to
its overall operational viabil-
ity. Managing your working
capital is about more than
keeping cash on hand and
having a financially solvent
company. It’s about how
you’re using that money
and if you have the business
acumen necessary to capitalize on your as-
Reliable working capital management means
ensuring that your business maintains a pos-
itive cash flow. This cash needs to satisfy any
short-term operating on top of any other

The amount of working capital you have
compared to your existing obligations de-
fines your working capital ratio. The formula
for your working capital ratio is that you take
existing assets and divide them by your lia-
This ratio is key to determining the financial

health of your company. A ratio of less than
1.0 may indicate that your company cannot
to meet its short term debts and might be
dealing with liquidity issues. This is also a
sign of a business experiencing cash flow
If your working capital ratio is too high, it
could mean you don’t know how to take ad-
vantage of an opportunity. If
your working capital ratio is
higher than 2.0, it may re-
flect that you don’t know
how to make the best use of
your assets to invest back
into the business and con-
tinue to grow your company
while increasing revenue.
The “goldilocks” zone of where you want
your working capital ratio to lie tends to fall
in between 1.5 and 2.0. This tells people that
your business is financially solvent with plen-
ty of cash on hand, but is still taking proac-
tive steps as it pursues future growth.

We’ve shown how you can define working
capital management. You also need to un-
derstand why properly managing your work-
ing capital is important. What can SMBs do
to create more working capital in a world
where it seems like everyone is trying to de-
lay payments for as they can?
We already discussed it, but existing invoices
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