MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Irreversible, substantive, creates new identi-
ty, and contains a shift in
A shared activity where peo-
ple come together to co-
create the future today and
create something of lasting
and sustaining value.

Creating your brand new
story: It might be said that
true and sustainable trans-
formation is about creating
an ever-renewing story encapsulated in a liv-
ing, breathing brand and culture that is kept
together by shared purpose and value. The
three ingredients of a sustainable culture—
sustained by shared purpose—in the new
world of work are:

  1. Brand Purpose (WHY: promise, passion,
    and perception)

  2. Brand Participation (WHO + HOW: part-
    nership, participation, and process)

  3. Brand Performance (WHAT + WHEN +
    WHERE: planet, people, and profits)

What’s your New Story? Purpose, leader-
ship, and place let you pull the future to-
ward you. You surround it, you dance with it,
and you make it real and share it with oth-

The outlines of the New Story narrative are
emerging from the fog of the past. It’s more

about harmony instead of control; it’s more
feminine than masculine; it’s
more about stewardship than
exploitation; it’s more about
co-creation than about
what’s already built. And it’s
more about living in the pre-
sent with an eye to the future
than not being present and
looking toward the past.

We conclude with a playbook
to get you started on your
pathway to purpose, possibility, and plenty.
The path to sustainable profits and overall
sustainability is through shared, aligned pos-
itive purpose.

The path of transformation

“The cave you fear to enter holds
the treasure that you seek.” — Jo-
seph Campbell

Finding your true north: The way to make
your way along the path of emotional trans-
formation toward purpose parallels the clas-
sic story of the hero’s journey. It is a path of
what Carl Jung called individualization or be-
coming oneself. Or, in an organizational
setting, finding your purpose—your true
north. The process by which this occurs is
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