MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


called differentiation and has as a goal of the
development of the individual or organiza-
tional personality, the discovery, and ac-
ceptance of one’s true purpose. The path is
often summarized as having seven distinct,
but overlapping, stages.

The brand new path to purpose: Now, we
are at a point in our journey where we need
to look at just how we’re supposed to be
able to make this transition to purposeful
and sustainable transformation. Use this sev-
en-step path to guide you and your organiza-
tion through this transition.

Below you’ll find the steps in the order you’ll
take them. For each step, you’ll see the

name of the state associated with that step,
the quality you should be experiencing dur-
ing that particular stage of transition, and
the activity you’ll associate with that step.

7 Steps: The purpose path

Step 1. Initiation: Recognizing the Real

Socialization : Looking from outside to inside.
Brand focus: Your focus is on your brand.
Brand development (activity): Awareness
that something is missing and time is pass-
ing. You move to get something you need.
You begin seeking answers to nagging ques-
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