MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1



This next-level up the leader-
ship food chain is the first step to
real leadership, although lots of people view
this as a step back and avoid it, much to their
detriment. Employees give their leader per-
mission, allowance, a welcome to lead them,
only if a leader has earned their respect, car-
ing, and nurtured friendships. Although plen-
ty of bosses, leaders think that cultivating
fear or creating an antagonist relationship
with their people is what pushes them to suc-
cess, you’ll attract more bees (and buzzing
happy bees) with honey; friendship being the
sweetest honey of all.

When a leader is a friend to his staff,
workers, students even, he finds people fol-
lowing him or her because of affection and
respect as opposed to them kowtowing for
fear of losing their jobs or favor. The leader
working at this level isn’t protecting their po-
sition; he or she is getting to know their peo-
ple and figuring out how to get along with

them. Showing someone mutual respect and
caring feeds the need we all have, boss and
employee both, for connection.

Delivery man or woman

What a leader makes happen, the
results from his or her actions, the
implementation of a plan or vision, are sure
to leave a profound impact on a team. This is
the shut-up or put-up level; a leader can’t
fake their results as a delivery man or wom-

The staff I hired as I grew my practice
saw that I was on an upwardly- mobile tra-
jectory. Sure, I was often knuckled under by
enormous stress, but I like to think my drive
was infectious, that the people who worked
for me wanted to be part of the growth of
what came to be ten dental offices. My peo-
ple looked to me as the answer-man, the
leader, because they saw how serious I was
in making things brighter, better, and bigger.
Even if a leader shoots and misses at this
stage, the team will be much more forgiving


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