MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Several years ago, the company for which I
was providing career consulting was pur-
chased by another company. The merger re-
sulted in an unusual circumstance for me—
coaching fifteen leaders in the same organi-
zation as they transitioned to a different cul-
ture and new systems. I observed over the
next twelve months that the resilient leaders
were able to acknowledge the uncertainty
and stress, then continue to develop their
careers in the direction they wanted. Other
individuals, lacking resilience, focused on the
doom and gloom of the merger, which be-
came a barrier to finding new roles, whether
inside or outside the company.

I identified five common strategies that
these resilient people possessed as part of
their career toolbox. I was amazed at how
these strategies eased my own business
transition. Within one
month of leaving the or-
ganization where I had
spent fifteen years, I had a
major new training client
and fifteen new leadership-
coaching clients.

I now have an opportunity
to coach leaders in diverse
companies, schools, nonprofits, and small
start-ups, as well as entrepreneurs and indi-
viduals all over the globe and I continue to
focus on the five strategies with my clients:
well-being, self-awareness, brand, connec-
tion and innovation.

Well-being is key to being productive and

focused, which is essential for entrepre-
neurs. Do you make your well-being a priori-
ty? Do you exercise regularly? Do you give
your body the fuel it needs to perform? Are
you getting the amount of sleep you need to
be at your best? Do you know your stressors
and have strategies for dealing with them?
Are you deeply connected to something out-
side yourself such as art, music, literature,
nature, or religion?

Try one of these Well-being boosters:
Start your day with a morning intention.
Think about what you would like your day
to look like and how you want to feel.
Some examples include: calm and confi-
dent; refreshed and focused; and relaxed
and happy.
Notice how you feel throughout the day and
whether your stress level increases or
stays the same. Being aware
of your stress triggers can pre-
vent you from reacting to
them in unproductive ways.
Take a break from career and
life pressures by going on a
retreat or getaway by yourself
or with friends. This can be a
great way to gain clarity and
restore your energy.

Self-awareness includes purpose, mindset,
and personality type. Articulate your pur-
pose—it’s the starting point for developing a
clear focus for your business. And, as an en-
trepreneur, knowing your purpose will fuel
you when circumstances are challenging. Be
aware of your mindset—it’s essential to re-
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