MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Well, how do you do it?
After recording six albums of songs, my Band
of Legends politely nudged me to perform
While I’ve spoken on stage numerous times
over the decades, I never sang on stage.
Thinking about it brought up serious fears.
Even terror.

A friend remembers me saying I would
NEVER sing in public.
I had to overcome panic attacks, anxiety
ambushes, and near nervous breakdowns to
overcome the fear of public speaking.
But public singing?

I didn’t even sing in the shower.
Childhood memories of being humiliated
when I tried to speak or sing stayed with me.
I overcame the speaking one.
But I refused to even touch singing.
It felt too vulnerable.
I managed to do it in the studio for my six
albums, by basically managing my
adrenaline, but I couldn’t accept ever singing
on stage live.
No way.

But I did it.
I did it!
And it was a huge success.
I was strong and confident, owned the stage,
and led my Band of Legends into a
triumphant performance.
It was an historic moment.
It was a personal breakthrough.
And it will live forever in my mind as a
moment of greatness for me.

Forget it.

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