MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Neil: Can tell us more about your business
and personal life?
Dana Malstaff: Yes absolutely, so I am a
Mom, first off and I am an entrepreneur. So
I have my own business, I have had for
three years now. And my journey to becom-
ing a mom and my journey to becoming en-
trepreneur, sort of happens simultaneously.
That was not planned, but that is sort of
how you know, things happen. And it
brought me down this path of feeling really
guilty that I wanted to create and make a
business and nurture a business in this
But I also wanted to create and nurture a
family as well, and how was I going to di-
vide that time? and every time I wanted to
nurture my business, it made me feel as
though I was giving away part of my heart
that I should have reserved, you know all of
for my son.
So, I began to figure out how to try and get
past this guilt and that’s how I came up
with the Boss Mom Book. To help women
get past this guilt they feel that to really,
really accept and give themselves permis-
sion, that they have this passion inside
them, and this nature to create in this
world, and that by creating a business, it is
just another kind of baby, and by doing
what we love, we are then able to show our
children what a life well lived looks like.
And that, that in turn helps us to raise a
generation that has the mind-set, where it

is important to do things that we are pas-
sionate about. And that you can actually
grow a business and support your family, by
doing those kinds of things.
And that is sort of how I have built my boss
mom tribe. And within it that is how I actu-
ally help people execute creating a business
that thrives is through the content and
business strategy which really is all about
this idea that we create content all day
long. We create products and services and
things that we want to go out and sell, but
very often we don’t sit and think about the
long game, we don't think about the strate-
gy, we don't build a business plan. We don't
think about how all our family goals fit into
our business goals and vice versa, so I help
mom entrepreneurs to pull that all togeth-
er. And really make sure that what they are
creating in their business helps serve them
in a way that really maximises the return on
them reaching the goals that they want to
reach in life and I execute that in my own
business as well.
And that is sort of where I help people and I
think a lot too with content strategy that all
boils down to also helping them figure out
how do you build your tribe? How do you
create content that drives people to your
email lists and then also to buy your ser-
vices and do all those things. So it’s every-
thing that is encompassed in creating a
strategy for your business that helps it
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