MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Neil: Do you have any examples of how you
have helped somebody that?
Dana Malstaff: Oh yeah sure. So, a lot of
what I do with clients is I have clients where
I actually just help them build their busi-
ness. So, we will maybe say ok, I have got
somebody who is doing blogging. Well how
do you become intentional with exactly
what you are blogging about to help you
grow your business? So, we work through...
So how are you going to actually monetize
your business? Is it through affiliate mar-
keting or is it through actual products you
create? and what will that look like? And as
we start to build that out. Then how are we
going in and creating content in your blog
that drives people in that direction?
So those are some instances of clients that I
have helped, I have also done actual
launches where we say you are creating a
course, and if we look at your course, then
how are we... and I call it stacking. But a lot
of other people might call it splintering or
things like that, but how are we pulling out
from that? the content of your course, to
help create webinar content that drives
people that help create opt-in content that
helps create blog content, that when peo-
ple are being pulled in to you, they are un-
derstanding your message, they are loving
what they are hearing about you and they
are going from loving that, to nurturing
them through the cycle, of bringing them
all the way to the purchase decision of your

actual larger content.
So how does that all fit together? And then
from a larger strategy standpoint, you know
I work with clients a lot and talk with... I
was just on a panel actually for a member-
ship site, talking about this idea that every-
thing you create should multi task for you.
So how do you make sure that you are cre-
ating blogs that drive people to different
parts of your business and then creating
blogs that you can multi task that content
to maybe put in membership site, or go in-
to more detail, but use that content in oth-
er places, so those are some examples of
just things that I have done, and helped
people with from a content strategy stand-

Neil: How do you actually make money
from what you do?
Dana Malstaff: So, I have three actually I
have four main ways that I bring in income
that I think is pretty well synced with how a
lot of people bring in income these days.
So, I have coaching, one-on-one coaching
clients, so I max out at five, but I usually
keep them at three. So, the beginning of
the year I usually take five, because people
are wanting to get their year going. But I
generally keep three clients, one-on-one
throughout the year. I have a group coach-
ing programme and that is called the Deci-
sion Map Academy, which is all about a six-
month programme to help you create your
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