MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


business plan, create your vision boards,
help grow your business and build your
business. So, you are really confident in
what you are creating, and making deci-
sions to help that business thrive, become
And then I have an evergreen course called
the 'finding your course programme,' which
helps teach people how to build their
course, and that runs throughout the year
and I do Facebook ads and different nurtur-
ing things to help grow that participant
base. And then I have affiliate marketing, so
people that I partner with, or smaller cours-
es that I have on other platforms, that help
promote larger courses that I get a cut of
that profit. Things like that, so those be-
come the four main areas that I pull in reve-
Neil: Can you tell us about your book?
Dana Malstaff: Ooh yes, I could talk all day
about my book. Ha that’s an easy one. Yeh
so it’s Boss Mom, it’s the ultimate guide to
raising a business and nurturing your fami-
ly, like a pro. And it is meant to be a re-
source guide, you know you could read it all
at once, but it’s meant to kind of go
through the stages of when you begin to
think about starting your business and your
family, all the way to the toddler years. And
there will be more boss mom books to
come out in the works of making it a fun

But the main point of it, is that it correlates
how we look at our business, and how we
look at our family, and how they are both
children that we nurture, and raise, and
how we can learn from each other so there
are chapters like, 'is your business teeth-
ing?' and 'is your baby and business as cute
as you think?' and you know and that kind
of thing. And so, it teaches you to look at
your business in a way that helps you really
understand that you are truly raising a busi-
ness. You are not just running a business,
you are raising a business. And at some
point, that business is going to begin to
take on a life of it’s own and personality of
it’s own, and you need to recognise and
look at that, and be able to learn from that,
instead of fighting that. Because that is how
you are going to allow your company to
grow into something healthy and beautiful,
that contributes out into the world, and the
same thing with your children.
It also walks you through getting away from
the guilt of how do you deal with over-
whelm? How do we manage our business
when we have kids and you get pregnant or
you have kids and everybody gets sick for a
week. You know, how do you build a busi-
ness that can sustain itself when you have
other priorities in your life that are really
important like family. And it just walks
through that, and it becomes a support sys-
tem, for the women that are in the Boss
Mom community to read that and know
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