MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


ing force to me to do whatever I need to be
able to do to get that.
Neil: How do you relax when you are not
working in your business?
Dana Malstaff: Mmmm, not working, what
is that like? ha ha ha you know there’s a lot
of things, one is my mornings are my kid
playtime. Sometimes I think taking care of
my kids is super stressful or super challeng-
ing. But the mornings is my time, we play. I
make sure that I am consciously remember-
ing that playing is fun. Because I think oh I
gotta get the kids things together and I
gotta prep for a meeting I'm doing, or an
interview I am gonna be on, and I have
gotta do all these things. But in the morn-
ing, we get up and it’s just what they want
to do. You want me to get into your little
spaceship or sit in your pantry and play
with our cars, and pretend they are flying,
yes. That’s what I wanna do and I love that,
and I get to be a part of their life in a way
that is really interactive. And is really about
creating adventures together and that is ex-
tremely relaxing and rewarding for me.
Neil: Do you have any role models who are
Dana Malstaff: Oh gosh, I have so many
role models. I was just talking about this to-
day, that I wrote a blog on linked in some
maybe year or two ago, that was about the,
I think it was the 11 different types of men-
tors that I had talked about. And there are

different times in our lives when you have
them, and there is you know, your cheer-
leader mentors which are the people that
you love that are your family and those
kinds of people. And those are the ones
that help support you when feel down, you
know, they help tell you that no matter
what you are amazing and they just love
everything about you. They also don't un-
derstand the business world that you live
in. They may not be in your space, they are
obviously not your ideal client, so you take
their love but you weigh their advice be-
cause sometimes their advice is going to be
born out of love, but not out of experience.
But then, what I am finding right now, is
most prominent in my space is what I call
proximity mentors and those are the peo-
ple that are not necessarily further along in
their business than me, they are kind of
where I am. And we are I would say col-
leagues versus someone being at a differ-
ent advancement than me. So, they were in
proximity to each other in terms of our
business, but we have different things that
we are better at. So, I may have written a
book, but somebody else may have started
a membership site that is really successful.
Or somebody else might have done this
group coaching, and we learn from each
other by proximity.

So one that I was on a call with today and
helping her with her membership site, is
Jacqueline Malone, and she has the All Up
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