MENTORS Magazine

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


ness she has built is able to go and have
time to go and contribute back to her com-
munity both virtual and in person, and help
to raise and nurture her children, and
spend time with them while also help man-
age a community that helps women and
mom entrepreneurs thrive. Something like
Neil: What is your favourite quote and how
have you applied it?
Dana Malstaff: There is a quote, it is a book
and it is called 'The Law of Divine Compen-
sation' by Marianne Williamson, really
great book and she has a line in here that I
just love and it basically talks about, lets
see, say ‘the greatest gift we give ourselves
is often our willingness to change our
minds.’ And that is one of the things I say I
love about being an entrepreneur, is that
we have that ability. We have that ability to
pivot and to shift and when we give our-
selves permission to do that, we allow our
self to seize opportunities that can truly
help us and our businesses grow. And I
think that is beautiful thing.
Neil: Do you have any favourite online re-
sources that you can share with us that
would be useful to other entrepreneurs?
Dana Malstaff: Yeh so if you are a creative
entrepreneur, I think that the Savvy Busi-
ness Group, Facebook group is a great place
to be. Obviously, the boss mom Facebook
group, if you are a mom entrepreneur is a
great place to be. I also like, I said, Melissa

Cassera is awesome, her all the resources
she provides and in her email list as well
she is always giving away amazing work
books and things in her emails. Awesome
for you to help write your copy, for your
business, which I think is something that I
think a lot of entrepreneurs including my-
self, even as a journalism major, are very
lacking in, there is an art to that. So, I think
she's a must that you want to go and figure
that out, her online research does cost a
little money, it’s called the swirl effect, it is
a workbook that I love and go back to, time
and time again that really helps you hone in
on that message. So, I think those are to
start, just some really great places to go
and find some good content.

Neil: What is your best advice to other en-

Dana Malstaff: I would say that to make
everything that you do in your business a
conscious effort, that to make everything
that you are creating, and everything that
you are doing on a day to day basis, that
you are gaging in that gets a sounding
board to make sure that it is actually guid-
ing you where you want to go, which means
you have to think about where you want to
go. And as you have not thought about that
yet, then you are potentially just creating a
bunch of things that might not get you any-
where, so that strategy up front, may seem
like it is in that important but not urgent
quadrant, that we often neglect. But by do-
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